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Multi Boyz Litigator
Multi Boyz
Nov 9, 2015
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Incredibly soft interest check take here to see if there's a market for building these things. I know a few people like @HornheaDD and @GeorgeSpinner were asking about it in the main thread since a lot of folks can't do the mod themselves.

It looks like I'm going to have a fair few extra of the required chips, and a good bit of time on my hands throughout the holidays (boss at my main job scales back starting mid-Nov, so so will I), so if there's demand I'll take this up for a bit. If not, I'll eat the chip cost and that'll be that.

They're very labor/time intensive, finicky work, and the chips take an absolute age to program, so the price reflects it. I know a couple people had suggested they'd have to cost as much as the NeoSD or DS solutions, and I'd normally agree with them, but for doing a small run of them on the side while work is slow I figure I can do a bit better than that. I've taken 4 dry runs at these now and am very confident/comfortable with all the SMD work, just waiting on dumper PCBs to come in in about a week to get the ones I have here up and running.

My tentative price-point would be $280 for a completed MVS cart, you provide nothing. AES $330 for no other reason than the cheapest v3 AES carts I could find cost $50 more than MVS. I don't see MVS cart prices changing, but the price difference from the cheapest AES supplier to the second cheapest is $50, so if the one runs dry the price may change for that one.

If you provide a like-new, fully working v3 cart I will happily knock off my cart cost from the price (ie if it costs me $48 to buy an MVS cart I'll knock 48 off the cost), but I won't be working on one someone else has attempted to mod and damaged or take a stab at fixing non-working carts.

*If you want to include XenoCrisis you'll either have to provide proof of having purchased the roms, or I can purchase them for you and it'll cost that 15-17 extra (receipt and files provided). I wouldn't feel right putting their game on there without it being paid for.

Like I said, just a soft interest check, no commitment necessary at this time. If you're interested at that price-point, please chime in.

I think at 10-15 I'll pivot to taking names, and then deposits that are just enough to cover the cart purchases.

Current status list:


Game list:



From 12/9 onward it will be $290 per MVS cart and $340 for AES. Looks like this forum has single-handedly exhausted the supply of chips from all 3 suppliers and all that remains are some highly oxidized ones (godspeed to whoever bought the 100 used ones if the remaining new ones are already rusted). The $10 bump will cover the difference in cost to buy sacrificial carts instead (no extra charge for the extra labor). All already deposited folks and those who get it in today/tomorrow morning who I've messaged recently will be honored at the original price!

Once we've hit the first 75 I am going to cut things short for a few and just keep a waitlist going. Every 12 I'll do another batch.

To keep this straight for myself since prices have fluctuated and the chip situation has changed:

Up until 11/9 : 280/330
11/9 - 12/12 : 290/340
12/13 forward: 305/355

Deposit moving forward (covers cost of cart and 1/3 of sac cart cost):
MVS: $80
AES: $125

Current count: 75/75



Waitlist for potential third batch:

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I'm interested. Count me in for one if you decide to go through with it.
Mildly interested, mostly dependent on disposable income in the near future. I just picked up a working banana cart from a used bookstore of all places. Gotta crack it open to see the version. I already have the Darksoft, but I love the spirit of this project.
I would be down for 1 or more. Can you post a picture of the PCBs of the correct revision cart? I have several 161's on hand but no idea if they are the right version.
Don't need one, but kudos for being willing to put in the work for the folks that want one. :thumbsup:
Thanks! I was doing it this morning and last night on the carts I have on hand (mine and a couple close friends) and went "Well, this isn't THAT bad". But it will take all day to make one, I'm sure. Maybe 2 a day if I can rig up another PC and programmer at the desk.

I would be down for 1 or more. Can you post a picture of the PCBs of the correct revision cart? I have several 161's on hand but no idea if they are the right version.

You're looking for ones that look like this:

My understanding is all of the blue carts are this way, and some of the later yellows.

Mildly interested, mostly dependent on disposable income in the near future. I just picked up a working banana cart from a used bookstore of all places. Gotta crack it open to see the version. I already have the Darksoft, but I love the spirit of this project.
I've got pics to compare to up above, my dude. I'm in the same spot, have a DS multi (had had 2), but this is such a cool project I grabbed a few myself.

Fair price for the amount of work and tooling involved.
Thanks, I was a bit uncertain if there'd be a market given the price, but I'm probably already pretty undervaluing myself hourly on this, ha. And man, the nicer tools cost so much more. Why does a wide flat iron tip cost $122 for the Hakko? T_T
I'm in for an MVS one with XC included, can provide video of my real AES cart as proof! (yes, I can do a receipt for the cart and ROM, but a video is more fun!)
Very cool to be offering this. If I wasn't trying to save up for moving costs I'd be down for an MVS one (not to mention already owning a DS multi-cart), but very cool project and offering nonetheless. The more solutions the better : )
I would pick one of each, but only if these are sent from Europe to avoid excessive taxes and shipping costs.
Alternatively, you should consider opening up X number of spots (e.g. 10) where people put a $100 deposit (to cover cost of donor) and then expect the game to be done a few weeks later. When you're done those 10, you open up 10 more spots. I think it will make your life easier. :)