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Help with home made fight stick usb encoder


Jan 8, 2025
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Hello everyone, I am hoping someone here can help me solve something that has been driving me crazy. I made 4 Ninja Turtle themed arcade style fight sticks from scratch using a joystick and button kit from EG Starts on amazon. I made them specifically to be used with the Numskull quarter arcade turtles in time 1/4 scale arcade replica. It comes with 4 usb slots because the controls that it comes with are pretty tiny. I wired the buttons and joystick according to a guide I found online and hoped for the best knowing that when the mini arcade machine was opened on Christmas day I could rewire the controllers if I had the buttons in the wrong order. Well, it didn’t work as intended so I opened one of the controllers up and started plugging the buttons into different ports on the board until I had tried every combination possible. I asked Numskull if their machine would only take their controller and they said any USB controller would work. I tried a PlayStation classic usb controller and found this to be untrue. I tried using my controller on the PlayStation classic and none of the buttons worked but left and right on the joystick do but not up and down. I used an online controller tester and made sure all of the buttons and directions were registering correctly there and the only thing I noticed there was that I could not get the select button to show up no matter where I plugged it into the board. The select button will be the most important button on the controller because that’s the button used to add a credit to start a game. Incidentally the select button on the PlayStation controller also has no effect on the gamepad tester website. Sorry for the long post. I wasn’t sure what information may be the key to my problem.