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May 26, 2017
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Sydney, Australia
Hey folks,

I was wondering if somebody has an idea on how to fix this bleeding (white, going from left to right) on an arcade crt.

@Mitsurugi-w maybe? :)

Any hints and ideas welcome,



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That is something almost all CRTs have a problem with, mostly white screen. The effect you get when the picture expands on a white screen is called blooming. Sometimes it indicates bad caps or a failing flyback. Sometimes the design of the monitor just causes it to be bad.

Sometimes the brightness or screen knob is up too high.
Chassis recap/service? What kind of monitor is it?
It's a "New Astro City" cab and I think the CRT is a Nanao MS9.. Will make sure that's actually the case.
That is something almost all CRTs have a problem with, mostly white screen. The effect you get when the picture expands on a white screen is called blooming. Sometimes it indicates bad caps or a failing flyback. Sometimes the design of the monitor just causes it to be bad.

Sometimes the brightness or screen knob is up too high.
I tried the brightness knob because it's in the front, will try the screen knob soon tho. Thanks for the hint, I'll let you know how it goes!
Indeed. I had my MS9-29 serviced and it's awesome - even if it's not that bad at the moment I'd say it's well worth doing
Get in touch with this guy. http://www.jomac.net.au

He's the Nanao Chassis repair guru and can fix most other chassis's also. He also only deals with people in Australia so your lucky. I wish I could send him all my stuff but he doesn't replies to emails from out of the country.
Didn't realise you were in Australia - if that's the case, without a doubt send it to Jomac and he'll have it sorted.
Thanks guys! I'll give turning down the screen knob first tonite. Otherwise I will reach out to Jomac, even tho removing and sending the screen via courier scares me a bit :)
You only send the chassis not the tube, Joey will tell you what to send and how to send it