Form what it looks like, US revision have names of the characters on the character select screen in standard Latin alphabet letters, where any other version I played/seen have them always in Japanese. There might be other differences.What's the difference between US and (korea version), the pcb we sent is made by korea^+^.
After we do that,the Character's name is also JP(when we select the player),and enter the game,(the name becomes English)I believe setting Dipswitch 4 on Bank 1 swaps the game between Japanese and English.
Dip switch 4 on Bank 1 is used for Bonus Life which I confirmed on both my PCBs. Here is a Dip switch sheet for the game believe setting Dipswitch 4 on Bank 1 swaps the game between Japanese and English.
Dip switch 4 on Bank 1 is used for Bonus Life which I confirmed on both my PCBs. Here is a Dip switch sheet for the game
Yes, my mistake. Dip 3 is for bonus life, Dip 4 is for title screen, which not affects select screen characters names.Bonus life is on dip switch 3. It's in the sheet.