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FS Game Saru prize/vending/redemption imports - UPDATED 1/20

For Sale


Dec 18, 2016
Reaction score
Reno, NV USA
UPDATED 1/20/2025

For general arcade sales, please refer to the sales thread here.

INQUIRIES THROUGH EMAIL WILL BE IGNORED. It is archaic and horribly suited to these type of sales. For more direct inquiries, please do so through the Facebook page, or request Discord contact via PM. Phone calls and text will be ignored as well, it doesn't work for us.

For inquiries with regards to inquiries and ordering cabinets in Australia, please contact Blue Spring Express. My listed inventory is generally for import to the US. Other regions are serviced on an extreme case-by-case basis only, but almost all cases will be a flat no. We simply do not have the manpower to handle a lot of extra logistics.

Table of Contents:

1) Introduction / Order Status
2) Machines For Sale (Available Now)
3) Machines For Sale (Incoming Containers)
4) Machines For Sale (Future Containers)
5) Vending Prizes, Extra Items
6) Special Requests
7) Information, Rules, & Policies
8) Extended Reading


Hey everyone, I'm Cereth a.k.a. Kenchan a.k.a. David, founder and owner of Game Saru, the largest independent importer and distributor of Japanese arcade machines and related goods in the world. I have for a long time been an enthusiast in the hobby, and my goal with the company is to provide a more in-touch import service for these goods to my fellows in the community, and to provide rental services for Japanese arcade machines to various events. This thread serves to fulfill the former of the two.

Since 2018, I've built up everything I feel necessary to provide a better overall service in importing these goods to North America. I want to make sure all games purchased meet the requirements of a buyer. I generally try to get photos of the cabinets to show the cosmetic and monitor condition, as well as information about specifics where necessary, and will work one-on-one with you to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

If you would like to ask for anything that is not listed, please refer to "Special Requests". For any information on payment policies, rules, about the process, please refer to "Information, Rules, & Policies".

Order Status:

We've reduced the container load for the last few months for some breathing room and it has helped. We'll probably start picking up as soon as I can provide more regular listings. Generally any time estimates I give are accurate within a one month variance. There still won't be too much of desire in the on-hand section, and we'll be moving stuff only if there's demand to load those containers. We're pretty overstocked on a few things and underfunded atm besides.

1/20 UPDATE: We are still underfunded, and I estimate around 6 months to actually catch up; 2024 was a hard year with a lot of unreasonably massive expenditures, both calculated and unexpected, a number of poor experiences with large transactions, and revenue was down around 30%. Hard years happen in all businesses, it's expected, but we're maintaining a few processes to make sure we can come out stable. As such, we are very strongly enforcing our current no-holds policy, and full payment down only. We will also be skipping anyone on the waitlist that is not ready to make a purchase when stuff comes up. Finally, we will not be handling any sales outside of NA. The exchange rate is good right now, but container costs are still around triple or quadruple what they are normally. Price updates and whatnot reflect that, and take away a lot of our flexibility as the market changes too fast these days. Will probably need to adjust prices on the fly a bit.

I AM CLOSED TO ALL NON-STANDARD REQUESTS. Anything not listed or not common for import is not being handled right now. I am recovering from major stress, but I'm not taking anything on until 2026 to fully catch back up. I will not hold cabs for people unless there are extenuating circumstances that lead to it being beneficial; all cabs are sold first-come first-served. I am not ordering B1/B2 frames, TAITO benches, or stools, and currently not taking waitlist. I'm also not down to go through an extremely lengthy sales process beyond our norm, we don't have the energy or time to meet exceptional requests. If I say there's something we'll not do, please respect it and don't push. You don't have to buy if you aren't satisfied, and we're not going to push stress levels over a manageable amount to meet someone's needs. I understand this is going to put some people off, but I gotta draw a line right now for our own well-being. Most likely I'll be coming back with a better quality of service overall in 2025-2026.
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Machines For Sale (Available Now):

Everything in the warehouse now, and a few items within a week or two of arrival. They are close enough to not put in the "Incoming Containers" section.

Currently Empty
Cabinets For Sale (Incoming Containers):

These all have an expected arrival date in March - April.

BARBER CUT R - $1,900 - 1 available
Treasure Road - $4,000 - 3 available
UFO Catcher 7 - $2,000 - 1 available
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Cabinets For Sale (Future Containers)

Flexible to load into containers starting February/March if fully paid for. These probably wouldn't come until late April/May.

BARBER CUT R - $1,900 - 3 available
Capsule Station 6 - $700 - 12 available, this model is newer than the Capsule Station 4s we had, featuring the coin blocker when the machine is empty and other upgrades
CATCHER VOICE-c-ute - $1,500 - 8 available
Chibi Circle FK4 - $1,750 - 8 available
Chinana GO - $4,000 - 2 available
COCKTAIRIUM - $2,750 - 3 available
CUBEMALL - $1,600 - 1 available
Hand Power - $3,750 - 2 available
Kicchao! - $3,500 - 4 available
Mini catcher twin GEMINI - $2,500 - 2 available
Miniccha! - $3,000 - 1 available
Screw Driver - $1,750 - 1 available
Sweet Land 5 - $6,500 - 1 available
Treasure Road - $4,000 - 4 available
TRY POD - $6,000 - 1 available
UFO Ala Carte DX - $2,750 - 6 available
UFO Catcher 7 - $2,000 - 4 available
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Special Requests:
If you have interest in ANY large items, be it parts, cabinets, etc., don't hesitate to ask. However, I have restrictions on Yahoo! Japan auctions (see below). otherwise, I am happy to give you information on pricing and availability of everything, as well as find what you are looking for. I love to talk, maybe too much. Feel free to reach out! I'm most easily reached on Facebook Messenger (David Rocovits or Game Saru) and Discord (PM ME ELSEWHERE FIRST), or send me a PM on one of the forums.

About Yahoo! Japan:
I offer the service of bidding/buying on Yahoo! Japan for large items not easily sent through the mail (e.g. arcade cabinets, large parts). I have a limited number of such orders I can do per container, and as such, this service is ONLY offered to close friends/colleagues and regular customers. If you do not know me or have not worked with/spoken with me before, I will deny any request you make. For those who qualify, there will be a premium of $300 or 20% (whichever is higher) on top of all finishing costs, domestic and international shipping. Additionally, auctions will be accepted at my personal discretion for any number of reasons. In rare cases I cannot meet the above policy in extenuating circumstances. Please understand that there are some items I can't help with!

General Rare Cabinet Notes:
Please understand that some games are simply unreasonable to find. I may say as much if you ask me. Some I will refuse all requests firmly, some I will suggest wait times up to a few years. I mean it when I say this, please don't push it if I warn you not to.
Information, Rules, & Policies

About Payments:
I generally accept all payments Venmo Friends & Family, Zelle, and wire transfer for larger transactions. Due to exhaustion dealing with PayPal/buyers, I do not accept PayPal for ANY reason. I also do not accept credit or crypto. I'm not here for you to get credit card points, and GTFO with the crypto bullshit. Take advantage of someone else. I take payments IN FULL, IN ADVANCE. I do not do payment plans, deposits, financing, etc.

About Shipment/Delivery:
All items unless mentioned ship from my warehouse in Reno, NV. I ship via STI, through Michelle Bianchi. It is safe to assume a normal sized cabinet ranging from a Vewlix to a roughly 3' x 3' cabinet will cost around $550-$750, two such cabinets to add around $25-$50, and something larger like a beatmaniaIIDX to cost around $650-$900. My estimates are usually pretty accurate.

I will also do semi-frequent delivery trips to SoCal, Bay Area, and VERY infrequently, up to Seattle or out towards Salt Lake/Denver. You can expect prices for that around $300-350, or something reasonable for 2+ cabs. I used to deliver free if something coincides with a con, but this courtesy has been abused and only caused people to expect things for free, so I am no longer doing it free, for any reason. I will deliver smaller items like poster frames and stools on these trips. This is good if you only want one or two of them, as I won't have the hard restrictions that FedEx does.

Please note that for these personal deliveries, DO NOT expect a to-the-hour arrival time a week in advance. That is ludicrous. Areas like LA are HUGE, with 15 different ways a truck could be severely delayed. There is a disturbingly common expectation that arranging such deliveries with 15+ stops and enormous variance in stock coming in, loading time, departure time, freeway problems, longer stops, etc, that someone will be provided with specific delivery times, much less even an accurate day. This has become an ever-increasing expectation, and I want to cut off that expectation for good. We offer these deliveries as a service beyond normal operation. We understand that people's schedules need to be worked around, but that's just not how all this works. Please respect the effort that goes into making them viable at all in the first place.

About Cancellations/Problems
Depending on circumstances, I can handle order cancellations. Refunds will only be paid when I find a new buyer for the goods cancelled. In case of problems with an order, I will back the purchase to the best of my ability, including but not limited to repairs, replacements, and involvement on insurance claims. Please understand however that there is only so much I can do.

The Customer Is Not Always Right
I really shouldn't have to say this. Don't be a dick. There is no reason to give us lip, be belligerent/violent, toxic, entitled with us. We know problems arise, and sometimes we are exceptionally busy and cannot respond as quickly as you'd like. We know that no matter how much information we give, it's very possible/likely that something will be missed, and it will adversely affect you in some way. This is no excuse to be an asshole to us. We will always resolve everything to the best of our ability, but the moment you treat us like shit, we aren't doing anything for you besides the bare minimum standard. If you don't like that standard, you should have treated us with some modicum of respect. We have ZERO TOLERANCE for shitty behavior.
Extended Reading

I'm kinda tired of saying this, but no special requests means NO SPECIAL REQUESTS. I'm getting pretty exhausted from people coming to me saying they were referred to me asking for something super unusual, or just straight up being referred to me for candy cabs, benches, poster frames, or other things that I very openly and explicitly am not dealing with. While I'm sure some people just don't realize, for others it's blatantly disrespectful and harmful.

I am limiting the services I offer for a reason. I work insanely hard, and barely keep the essentials running as it is. I've eliminated services that require an inordinate amount of effort for the return, have too many problems to keep doing efficiently, can be serviced by others, etc., because I have a tendency to help anyone with anything if asked, regardless if I know it will harm myself. Taking on too much is only going to ruin me. Additionally, I deal with enough hatred and vilification from unintelligent individuals in the community already, which puts a lot of strain on me mentally. I don't need more reasons to be upset and give them excuses to point at me and say "SEE LOOK, HE'S THE ASSHOLE! FUCK HIM!" It happens.

Please respect my request to not ask after things that aren't outlined in my listings. It is not helping anyone.

Social media posts are not sales posts
Seriously. Social media is for me to share with the world all that we do; a look into the container operation, events, repair work, daily life, and showcase of fun and interesting things. Much like candy cabs, frequently people are so self-oriented as to disregard any tact and barrel head-first into what they want, and no matter how nicely/brusquely I tell people to please respect that social media is not just stuff for sale, and no matter how many places I try to leave notice of it, people show no respect for it and call me an asshole.

I've had people go so far as to take a picture overlooking the entire warehouse; 100-200 cabinets, picking out a tiny blue hood, and asking to buy my SC-19. I've had people message me to buy something in a social media post, be pointed to an explanation asking people not to do that, and been told "I'm here to buy, not to read an essay". Have some respect for this request, and don't take it poorly when you are informed of it. This is a constantly occurring event. It's incredibly disrespectful, and people are very commonly rude and toxic when they don't like what they hear. Please understand this. I am trying to share our love for the hobby as much as anything, this kind of activity only hurts us all. When asked, I usually attempt once to let people know that social media is not sales posts, refer them to this, and that's it. DO NOT push the subject. I have zero patience for those who show blatant disrespect just because they don't get what they want.

I do not take more money to jump the line or cherry-pick
I don't believe in allowing money to solve all your problems. I'm not here to cater with preference to the wealthy. While this hobby is not cheap, I want everyone to have a fair chance. If someone has a long waitlist, asking to pay more to jump it is a real fast way to turn me off to helping you at all. If I'm doing something in large bulk, I'm not really looking to invest a huge amount of time to pick over things just because someone has more money. Money does not solve all problems, and I aim to be fair to everyone. I'm not the person to come to for cherry-picking and strong-arming your way into getting things you'd normally have to wait for. Nobody likes finding out they got skipped on something just because someone else had more money to throw, it's just bad business.

Why I do not use PayPal
PayPal is something we all use because it's the most convenient; not because it's good, not because we like it. Friends & Family is commonly used for trusted transactions, Goods & Services for normal sales, and comes with protection from PayPal. This is where the first problem stems from. Normally, I could ask the buyer to pay the transaction fees, no problem. However, PayPal is notoriously bad with support; everything you do that requires support is automated. That makes the system extremely abusable, both by a buyer and a seller. I have seen it both ways, and there is almost nothing one can do to contest it. I have seen sellers lose entire cabinets, and buyers lose all their money, and have nary a single human being from PayPal be involved in the dispute process. I sought to eliminate this worry by being an exemplary seller. There is no need to rely on PayPal support if your seller is universally trusted. I worked very hard to keep that reputation and avoid the chance of the system being abused. I also found that an inordinately large percentage of people who refused to pay by anything but Goods & Services were also extremely inclined to be problematic to deal with, and thus I would not want to do business with them anyway. That is why for a long time, I had a very strong leaning towards refusing Goods & Services payments as a whole.

The second problem I had was in 2021/2022 iirc. PayPal made fees non-refundable. This means, if a refund was issued to a buyer, the seller would lose out the entire amount of the fee. With large cabinet transactions, this can work out to be a LOT of money. It does not matter if I as a seller initiated a refund because it was the right thing to do, or if it went through the dispute system. That further pushes me away from wanting to accept Goods & Services, because I would essentially be on the line to pay for a buyer being enabled to fuck me over on a transaction if they wanted to, when I already have a 100% guarantee on my transactions. Remember also, that the process is automated; it is almost impossible without weeks/months of fighting to get a real person on the line. Also, what works for sales of normal items does not apply to arcade machines. You simply cannot provide "tracking number/proof of shipment" on an arcade shipment, nor "just return the item". PayPal's automated system just defaults decisions based on the lack of the above, and again, no real person actually looks at any of it. Keep in mind, again, this is all AT MY EXPENSE.

Third problem, PayPal wants Goods & Services. Even if I decided fuck all the above, I'll take it and have a written contract with buyers for terms, 1) they can still fuck me over on PayPal because of the automation in the system, and 2) PayPal can at any time just lock your account, make your funds unavailable, and demand "tracking number/proof of shipment" whenever they want. Again, you can't just satisfy their automated system. They hold anything over $10,000/month for an ENTIRE month. You can increase this limit, but again, it is impossible to get a hold of a real person for support. I handle over $200,000/month. Accepting PayPal effectively cripples my entire business. That's IF they don't lock my account/hold funds for up to 6 months or more, a story I have heard all too many times.

The system does not work. Therefore, I do not accept PayPal. There are plenty of conditions I could work under, but the combination of them leaves me no choice.

Price does NOT include shipping
EVER. There's a few different reasons for this. In sales of stuff like this, it is best for there to be as few, if any, surprises for the buyer. Shipping is the most likely thing to change, therefore I will NEVER, EVER include shipping in the price of the cab. The cost difference is HUNDREDS of dollars depending on location, delivery method, fuel rates, etc., and something originally scheduled for delivery/freight could suddenly change last-minute, someone could decide to pick up instead of have delivery, the list goes on. 100 things could change at any point. Shipping quotes from STI change all the time as fuel rates change. Including shipping means that either something changes and has to be adjusted later, or I just eat potentially hundreds of dollars in changes potentially on a sale.

Shipping not included is ironclad, and it will not change. Do not ask for it. Do not ask for EXACT shipping rates. This stuff changes constantly.

I do not take deposits or payment plans
Much like some issues with PayPal users insisting on Goods & Services, there is an enormous correlation between people who want to purchase on a payment plan, send a small amount or half up front and pay the rest on arrival, etc. and people who back out of a sale, or are excessively problematic to deal with. That isn't the only reason, but it's a huge one. This doesn't cover everyone; I'm sure some of you are just fine and just need financing, but I have had a consistent negative correlation between this request and my experience with that customer. Additionally, as much as I've grown, I still need money to keep this volume moving, offer the prices that I do, and make sure the whole thing still works as smooth as it does. For a lot of games, there are people lining up to pay in full, in advance. I'm sorry if this excludes some people, but I gotta do business this way.

Restrictions on picking up orders yourself
Due to the difficulties/complications around people picking up their orders themselves, I am placing some restrictions on it, and allowing it on a case-by-case basis. It may not seem like it should be a big deal, there's a few things, some of which that a lot of people might not realize, that make this difficult for our operation.

First, frequently people are not familiar with moving cabs. Some may not understand what goes into safely transporting cabs with ease, may not understand the value of having things delivered by someone who knows what they are doing, with proper straps, blankets, and a large box truck with a lift gate. It can be a hassle in many ways to load some cabs into the back of a pickup or even a trailer, as well as leaving cabinets exposed to the elements. Cabs may need to be broken down, there may be insufficient padding/strapping, and it can be difficult to load in. We have a dock-height and car ramp door, but the drop off the dock could be bad, and frequently the car ramp is blocked off. This all comes up more often than not, as usually people are trying to save a little money. What you save in money you pay HEAVILY in time and risk. Granted some of you know what you are doing, this is a case-by-case basis thing. The delivery costs we offer are very fair for what we provide.

Second, many times, we are EXTREMELY busy, like unconscionably busy. As mentioned above, sometimes it takes a lot of time to accommodate someone picking up, not just being there at a scheduled time, which we do NOT have regular warehouse hours, but it can take several hours to get someone loaded up if they aren't prepared for it, or are trying too hard to save money as to make the required steps time-consuming. When we have time, I'm happy to help, and I enjoy meeting with people, but sometimes it just overcomplicates a busy period. Please understand if we cannot accommodate for a pickup if we are in such a period.

Lastly unless I think of anything else, usually anyone picking up is within range of a delivery run. Sometimes this means your cabinet might come in and not go on a delivery run for a month or two because we are waiting on enough cabs to come in, and that is understandable. However, sometimes people want to pick up when there's a delivery run happening within a few days or weeks. If that delivery run isn't full, it hurts the delivery run. We only run deliveries when there's enough cabinets to make it financially worthwhile. Both I need to price to our customers accordingly, and it needs to make enough of a return to send a driver. Taking 1 or more cabs off that delivery increases the cost to everyone else, and decreases the worth of doing a run at all. It additionally costs us more, due to the previous two reasons, largely in time.

Depending on circumstances, I'd like to ask, just pay the delivery fee. We know what we are doing, and as this operation grows larger, we need to do some things a certain way sometimes. We ask around $300-$400 per cab depending on size/distance, and try to reduce that when delivering multiple cabs to the same destination. Again, it isn't a perfect science, I just need to treat pickups as a case-by-case basis thing.

Restrictions on during-con deliveries
I used to offer free delivery if we loaded your cab on a truck for a convention, and we could use it there. I've decided not to do that anymore. It set an expectation from some people that "cab delivery is free", and has caused more understanding problems than it is worth. Additionally, it makes logistics more difficult for my crew at an already stressful period during/after loadout for a con.

I will still offer the convention delivery method on a case-by-case basis at a reduced-cost rate, but only with some explicit understanding of those difficulties, and if other circumstances line up. For example, if there isn't going to be a delivery to the area for 2 months, I wouldn't want to keep someone waiting. This section is mainly to set people's expectations in advance, so that the wrong expectation isn't made. We do everything we can to ease costs/difficulties of buying cabs, but can't do everything. I think the important part is just making sure people know what to expect in advance, rather than have things changed on them later.
Special Requests:
If you have interest in ANY large items, be it parts, cabinets, etc., don't hesitate to ask. However, I have restrictions on Yahoo! Japan auctions (see below). otherwise, I am happy to give you information on pricing and availability of everything, as well as find what you are looking for. I love to talk, maybe too much. Feel free to reach out! I'm most easily reached on Facebook Messenger (David Rocovits or Game Saru) and Discord (PM ME ELSEWHERE FIRST), or send me a PM on one of the forums.

I'm kinda tired of saying this, but no special requests means NO SPECIAL REQUESTS. I'm getting pretty exhausted from people coming to me saying they were referred to me asking for something super unusual, or just straight up being referred to me for candy cabs, benches, poster frames, or other things that I very openly and explicitly am not dealing with. While I'm sure some people just don't realize, for others it's blatantly disrespectful and harmful.

Might want to delete one or the other.