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May 5, 2022
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Hello Guys,
I know i have a problem ! and even if no one asked, you knew I would end up there. :D

So here my last work, i hope you enjoy.
Almost done... ispired from OMVS advice and ideas are always welcome.

woohoo! really maximizing the build plate for a couple of those prints :)
Will this work with the OMVS kit thats already out there? That would be rad. Great looking case, btw - nice job.
Hi at all !

This time my first mistake was in measuring the slot space, but it was easy to fix and even if the model has already been corrected I wanted to keep the initial print with a thickness.
For the space for the de15 connectors I left little space, I realize this but I still managed to mount the connectors. I will also fix this before releasing the model.
For the rest everything is wonderful, solid, functional and nice to look at.

All my models don't work with the original OMVS kit but just buy some simple connectors and solder them into the right pin. (much lower cost)
I will probably make an adaptation in the future, to begin with I hope to find the measurements of the kit in the official documentation.

Here the result of first model:





One more join the family..
Great looking as usual! I'd love to do something like this since my MVS shell is beat to hell, but it would probably be a lot simpler in design since I'm not looking ton consolize them as I've got superguns.
you mean OMVS super gun ? if some have have it can also provide the quote to draw a compatible stl ?
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Nope, not the OMVS. I have the Minigun and HAS V5.0 Superguns, which connects to any arcade board via JAMMA Connector and providing AV out and controller inputs. It's an external standalone device. The OMVS is more similar to what you do where it's a kit with ports and open source PCB's to make get controller input and AV output from the MVS, but is internalized into the case.

You can find more detail on it here.
Here my final design: :thumbup:
I hope you enjoy and that can helps someone on their journey to consolize their mvs, you are free to edit the files and remix them for your favorite connectors.
I think my design journey on MVS end here, i have enough mvs to survive a zombie apocalypse. <3



3d-model here on MakerWorld= https://makerworld.com/en/models/514725