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Aug 29, 2022
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I recently picked up a 31khz only 2932 (A68KJU96X tube) to replace one of my burned Astro monitors, and was curious what chassis options (if any) I have to make this a Tri-Sync OR standard 15khz/24khz without having to resort to yoke swapping. It looks like the MS8/MS9s are incompatible with the 2932 yoke. After doing some research I did see mention of 2931 being potentially compatible (albeit, potential weirdness in the corners due to difference in tube curve), and have a 2933 on hand which from my understanding is interchangeable with the 2931. Has anyone done a successful swap like this with the 2932?

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All of the 293x series are yoke compatible to my knowledge. I have a 2932 running on a 2931 yoke right now.

You could also go the Rodotron 666A route, if you don't mind Wei-Ya.
Yeah you need a 2930/2931/2933 tri sync chassis but If i were you I'd do the yoke swap
Only reason you would yoke swap is if you wanted to install a MS9.
At that point, I would start looking at FB marketplace or craigslist for cheap/free TVs to pull a tube from to swap into the MS9. No sense taking the yoke off a perfectly working, factory-setup monitor. Keep that for a 31khz game that deserves it.
Thanks for the input everyone, I will likely keep it as-is and make it my dedicated Naomi cab, was just curious what my options were if I wanted to do something other than 31khz without yoke swapping. May give the 2933 a whirl and see how that goes in the future. Much appreciated.