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Bloody Roar 2 Roamboard Bootleg


Grand Master
Dec 21, 2017
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the Chinese community manages to make bootlegs and also crack the CAT702 and today still no Multi-ZN X/ :whistling:
This is an old bootleg anyways. it has OKI sound
It's also not cracked AFAIK and used the replay method (sending a "copy" of the original data the cat chip sends on boot up)

It would be nice to see this dumped fully so the oki version can be preserved. Also exists BR1 , similar setup.
I have a Bloody Roar 1 bootleg (original ZN mobo with a bootleg sub-board). I bought it to help understand how it works but it's so far down my project list I'm happy to re-sell it for what I paid ($50) if someone else wants to take on the challenge.
I have a Bloody Roar 1 bootleg (original ZN mobo with a bootleg sub-board). I bought it to help understand how it works but it's so far down my project list I'm happy to re-sell it for what I paid ($50) if someone else wants to take on the challenge.
It's already figured out how it's done. The french guy did a replay attack / cat emulation, and i did the real cracked versions.

Can you dump the game though? The dumps we have are missing roms....
I'll buy it for science anyway if it's going spare and can figure out getting it dumped if you don't have time ;)
Of course it's a bootleg, how else would it roam without hurting its feet?
Can you dump the game though? The dumps we have are missing roms....
So I just dumped all of the chips on my board and they all seem to match beastrzrb in MAME
Some exceptions:
the "27c240.3" "protection" ROM on my board is a TMS27c210 (aka 27c1024) but the one in MAME was dumped as a 27c4096, but if I quadruple my image it matches MAME
the ATMEL AT89C4051 is protected so dumping that I get an empty chip (probably why it's listed as not dumped in MAME)
then of course there are 2 Actel FPGAs that I don't have the ability to dump either.

so it seems this board is already properly dumped as well as it can be.