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SOLD Analogue Consoles & Pocket - Price drop 2/4 - Only Mega SG left

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Multi Boyz Litigator
Multi Boyz
Nov 9, 2015
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The two console ones just don't see any use.

Mega SG
Genesis color scheme, already jailbroken - $330 shipped in the US. (I *might* have an adapter or two kicking around, if so I'll toss them in)

Analogue NT
SNES color scheme, already jailbroken - $375 shipped in the US.

Analogue Pocket:
Black, well taken care of, up to date, and comes with the official screen protector pre-installed. Only outside of the case when playing (case not included in the sale). Only selling because I'm a dummy and couldn't go without getting a fancy colored one.

$200 shipped the US.
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How's 220 and I'll pay shipping? Or 200 plus shipping, whichever is cheaper.
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200 shipped, and that's as low as it goes. Off to eBay if no one here wants it.
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lol i had a white version i got for a really good deal, but like you i couldn't be happy with what i had cu zi wanted the transparent green one and overpaid for one on ebay only to sell it later. smh good lukc man
lol i had a white version i got for a really good deal, but like you i couldn't be happy with what i had cu zi wanted the transparent green one and overpaid for one on ebay only to sell it later. smh good lukc man
I'd seen the email for the transparent ones, which I'm not into. But I missed the full color ones, and I'd have totally set an alarm and bought a Kiwi or Dandelion one, but I never saw an email for them :(

Finally broke down and bought a Kiwi one, and there's no point in me having two. So this one's gotta find a new home!
Mega SG down to 350 shipped.
Another Mega SG price drop. Off to eBay for a bunch more if it doesn't sell this week.