
  1. Softdrink

    (New) Astro City Cashbox Shelf

    Overview A few months back, I designed a custom shelf to fit above the cashbox in the Astro and New Astro City cabinets. I've been very busy with work, so I only just finished documentation of it - but it's been working fine for me for over half a year. The project is open-source and I've...
  2. Softdrink

    Astro / New Astro City LED "Service" Light Mod + 3D Printed Mount Brackets

    Overview When working on my New Astro City, I noticed that the interior could get quite dark; doing maintenance tasks or connecting new game boards was often inconvenienced by the poor visibility. I decided to mount a 24" LED light fixture inside the cabinet, to provide some much-needed extra...
  3. W

    Hoop Fever arcade Mod Help! Ice Games

    Hey everyone, We are trying to figure out how to slightly modify or interact with the software for Hoop Fever, an old basketball game from Ice Games. There would not be any need for hardware modifications as we have already developed our own solution(s) for communication. We are currently able...