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  1. DC_CandyCabs

    FS FS Golden Axe Revenge of Death Adder PCB

    Thats not bad at all! Ill have to check that out soon
  2. DC_CandyCabs

    FS FS Golden Axe Revenge of Death Adder PCB

    Ok I see your perspective. Several-year-old pricing is what is attracting traffic to this post.
  3. DC_CandyCabs

    FS FS Golden Axe Revenge of Death Adder PCB

    Anyway Mods can remove post due to inactivity?
  4. DC_CandyCabs

    WTB  Blast City proper marquee light fixture

    I agree with Tony. Also seen on eBay but doesnt come up very often. If you ever want to sell this lighting setup after you find yours, keep me in mind. Attempting to track down two sets of these and the artwork/marquee for two blasts I have.
  5. DC_CandyCabs

    FS New Astro City and 2 Stools (South Carolina)

    We need more candy cabs in DC!! Someone find it a great home! Looks lovely! GLWS
  6. DC_CandyCabs

    FS Killer Instinct 2 , Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 , Garou Mark of the wolves

    Dang just missed out on a working Killer Instinct board! Nice pickup! Happy to see they can still be acquired at a reasonable price these days! SHout out to the arcade community!
  7. DC_CandyCabs

    Blast City Comm Port Cover (Part No. HOT-1303)

    Its possible. If you are ever looking to offload them and put them on the market, im your guy!
  8. DC_CandyCabs

    Blast City Comm Port Cover (Part No. HOT-1303)

    Ive never seen it fully set up, but it seems to allow the communication board inside enclosure and the top would go over it when not in use or being moved if im not mistaken
  9. DC_CandyCabs

    Blast City Comm Port Cover (Part No. HOT-1303)

    This is great! Awesome work! Ever consider making any with openings to allow communication kits to be used? Like these
  10. DC_CandyCabs

    SOLD Killer Instinct 2 pcb

    I understand this is an old post, but will pm you about KI board just incase
  11. DC_CandyCabs


    PM Sent
  12. DC_CandyCabs

    Universal JAMMA versus kit

    Look forward to obtaining one in the future. Ive been trying to get my hands on a Blast VS Kit complete but everyones holding on to theirs (I dont blame) also great work on the Splitfire! Going to place an order for one next friday if they arent all gone lol
  13. DC_CandyCabs

    WTB Marvel vs Capcom 2 cabinet

    Depending on what the cabinet may lack, youll most likely need an i/o board (a few were made but the capcom is preferred because it can run on naomi power supply and rca jacks) which everything seems to be getting pricier. I would say around $200 for that and the same for a Mvc2 cart 250-350...
  14. DC_CandyCabs

    WTB Marvel vs Capcom 2 cabinet

    Im not far from you (DC) and pieced together mine! If your on facebook and dont mind driving down to Hagerstown MD, CoinOp Amusements and Coinopwarehouse post arcades all the time. Some complete with Mvc2 (not often) and some with sega naomi motherboards which you can then acquire a cartridge of...
  15. DC_CandyCabs

    Replacing a CPS3 cartridge connector

    Fantastic work @GoldenGlover !! I too have my cps3 cart contacts leaning over a tad, very likely causing a few graphic issues during attract mode. Going to doing this myself. Thanks for sharing!
  16. DC_CandyCabs

    Blast city Nanao ms-2933

    Happy you were able to successfully bring another Blast City back to working condition! Best cabs of all time IMO