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  1. M

    [Repair Log] Sega NetDIMM

    Why would you flash 4.01 when you can flash 4.03 to get (non Hagiwara branded) CF and CD-R capabilities?
  2. M

    New and exciting Net Dimm issue! (help requested)

    I had misread. I will need to look at the daughterboard and get back to you, have you checked the capacitors on that board with an ESR meter?
  3. M


    That's actually a clever idea for a patch. I was about to give up as I read Metallic 's explanation xD
  4. M


    That makes more sense, though the likelihood of anyone switching from GD to CF or vice versa without disconnecting the battery on the same setup is rather low.
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    It would be useful to people using regular DIMM or using NetDIMM to boot CF/GD/CD-R, this would decrease load times as it would no longer perform the (arguably unnecessary) CRC checks. If you aren't using a NetDimm, you can't really send a packet to disable the CRC check since it isn't connected...
  6. M

    New and exciting Net Dimm issue! (help requested)

    Your NAOMI DIMM board buffer chip is toast. You will need to replace it. It is labelled as IC12S.
  7. M


    Getting the CRC would actually be useful to add a skip in the triforcetools that would not send the game again to the dimm if the crc matches the binary you want to send. Transfergame does this already. I am also considering skipping the memory checks altogether as a patch in the dimm firmware...
  8. M

    Interest Check: Darksoft Naomi Multi Flash Cart- Unofficial

    I would be interested in it as a curiosity more than anything else. Truth is however, it would not be economically viable considering netdimm can be had for €250 or less and you aren't likely going to be able to build something equivalent and sell it for cheaper.
  9. M

    Naomi 1/NetDIMM Error 22

    It's very common, yes.
  10. M

    Naomi 1/NetDIMM Error 22

    It seems like a dead buffer chip, you probably need to replace the fairchild DIMM board buffer chip (IC12S) to fix this. This requires fine pitch soldering
  11. M

    MODE terraonion on NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro GDrom drive.

    It does work, you need to connect it to an existing GDROM PCB, making this somewhat redundant, you also need to replace the menu (you can use a MENU folder on the SDCARD for this purpose if memory serves me right) with your targeted game, this means only one game at a time (or per SD card) will...
  12. M

    Error 22 on netdimm after restarting

    You would need to test with another PSU or another dimm board. Cartridges don't draw nearly as much power, especially on the 3.3v line so that's not a good test.
  13. M

    Naomi Update 3.17 GDROM GDS-0023E

    You can netboot from 2.xx (despite the error 31 at boot) and you can update straight to 4.03, I have done it on 2 netdimm thus far with no issues (using the offiical transfergame).
  14. M

    Naomi cutting off during gameplay

    Something is very wrong, 4.72 on load when you started with 5.32 is way too much of a delta and should not happen, I suspect your PSU is low grade at least and has massive ripples, change it. 4.72 on load is way too low, I am surprised this system even boots, you need 5.00v minimum for naomi2...
  15. M

    Naomi cutting off during gameplay

    Even off load your voltages on the JVS interface are way too high, you are literally killing your naomi board.
  16. M

    Error 22 on netdimm after restarting

    Either your PSU is faulty/wrongly tuned (you need at least 3.20V (3.3V recommended) on load and 5.0V on load for a dimm setup; or your dimm board buffer chip is dying.
  17. M

    Best method to go from NAOMI to Framemeister?

    I would actually rather recommend to use VGA/31khz with OSSC if your goal is to get an hdmi output, this will give you better results than the framemeister (lower input lag and better picture) because the analog output would stick to 480p and the OSSC works better with progressive signals than...
  18. M

    Sega Naomi NetBoot Games List Working/Not Working/Untested/Missing

    I am unaware of such a patch, do you have a link to the thread? Capcom games require an IO board that reports 2 coin slots to run. Some have dipsw settings (like dipsw4 on the windy 2 IO) that makes it report the correct number of slots.
  19. M

    DARKSOFT BIOS and Header fixed atomiswave converts

    UPDATE: You no longer need to change the region/language of Neo Geo Battle Coliseum to unlock the characters on the unlocked version.
  20. M

    DARKSOFT BIOS and Header fixed atomiswave converts

    I added an unlocked version of Neo Geo Battle Coliseum, to unlock all characters the system region must be changed to "other" and language to "english" in the test menu, most characters remain locked if the region is set to Japan. Thanks to YZB for this patch.