Search results

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    FS Naomi DIMM Compact Flash reader, Lindberg, Vewlix panel, MVS 2 slot

    Naomi Dimm FW 4.01 CF compact flash reader -Includes 3 card CF VIRTUA TENIS 2, Marvel vs Capcom 2 y Capcom vs SNK 2 plug n play on Naomi system. -Bought from user here, never got to project -$290 Lindberg 1p CP -$80 -OEM Vewlix 1p CP -$70 -OEM MVS 2 slot -$190 MVS 100 in 1 cartridge -$80...
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    WTB Vewlix Monitor Enclosure

    One more time.
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    WTB Vewlix Monitor Enclosure

    Getting closer... Thanks to those who have helped point me in the right direction. But still looking.
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    Positive Feedback for KC

    I posted something similar in the recent purchases thread. I am the guy who went with @tanoris to pick up his first Vewlix. Like I said in the other post, the KC from 2020 or so was nothing like the KC from 2024. Since I know more about these things then when I first went, I asked if I can...
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    WTB Vewlix Monitor Enclosure

    Have found everything I have been looking for except this. Still looking!
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    WTB Vewlix Marquee

    Appreciate that! My buddy is actually going to purchase a cab from KC and I gave him a call to see if he had some to sell and he did. If that dosent work out i'll look at alternatives.
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    WTB Vewlix Marquee

    I think I found one locally, but thanks this would totally work.
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    WTB Vewlix Marquee

    One more bump
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    WTB Vewlix Monitor Enclosure

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    SOLD NAOMI DIMM 4.01 CF (trade ok)

    So this is plug and play directly onto a Naomi? I dont need to worry about any chipset/firmware anywhere?
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    WTB Vewlix Marquee

    Still looking.
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    WTB Vewlix Monitor Enclosure

    Still looking.
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    WTB Vewlix Monitor Enclosure

    Still looking.
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    WTB Vewlix Marquee

    Still looking.
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    SOLD Tecmo Urban Candy Cabinet

    Wow. What a beauty.
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    WTB Vewlix Marquee

    Still looking.