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  1. xwred5

    DARKSOFT CPS2 Champion Multi: Instructions and tips (new Version after 10.2020)

    My High Score Saves extension cable was crimped this way. Was a little tight, but worked.
  2. xwred5

    DARKSOFT --> Get your CPS2 Multi game here!!!! <--

    Re: key writing: You can buy connectors and pre-crimped wires. connector: 4" long leads...
  3. xwred5

    DARKSOFT CPS2 Champion Multi: Instructions and tips (new Version after 10.2020)

    This is my first Darksoft purchase (Thank you). I plan on installing Friday.... Anyone looking for the key writing cable, I picked these up from digikey. I have a 93646BG-3 board, so I will have to cut off the second end and extend. There are various jumper lengths...
  4. xwred5

    SNES to Neo-Geo controller adapters

    Frank, no apologies needed. your work has been awesome, it's an easy fix for existing boards that are programmed and an easy fix to implement. I made an account on this forum just to thank you for making your designs available. Also thanks to RGB and Arthrimus!
  5. xwred5

    SNES to Neo-Geo controller adapters

    This worked! I cut the trace near the SNES connector, was pretty easy to access if anyone else has this issue. Torn on adding the external resistor. It looks like this pin is used for programming, maybe consider adding a solder strap, I liked the programming board a lot, I am not sure I would...
  6. xwred5

    SNES to Neo-Geo controller adapters

    I found some 10k resistors. Will attempt this surgery "ASAP".... which might be tonight or this weekend. Getting the SNES port out is going to be a PITA, the holes could be a little wider on the next revision to fit these (measured like #17 AWG, ~1.15mm).
  7. xwred5

    SNES to Neo-Geo controller adapters

    A potential Bug/issue System Neo Geo AES Unibios 4.0 When I am in MVS mode via the Unibios, the controller doesn't work. I can't program buttons. This is true for both the NeoSD and Sam Showdown 2. I have a pathetic library. in AES mode, it is fine. Regardless of BIOS settings, the NeoSD...
  8. xwred5

    SNES to Neo-Geo controller adapters

    Thanks for making these available. I built up a handful of them this afternoon.