Search results

  1. Elfito69

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    Got it to work. For some reason the files where being downloaded with extra numbers at the end of the file name, rename all the incorrect ones and the img file got extracted successfully
  2. Elfito69

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    Is there any direct link for the IMG file, I keep getting corrupted or missing file errors when I try to unzip the file , I downloaded everything 3 time already
  3. Elfito69

    Multi TTX3 Autoboot on 1 game

    Following, Intereste on this too
  4. Elfito69

    Street fighter 2 multi

    I came across this sorta multi for the sf2 bord, it was supposed to have 8 sf2 version on it, from champion to the most popular hacks. I have that board and was not gonna buy the game just for the multi attachment. Does anyone have some info on it? I'm interested on getting just the add on multi...
  5. Elfito69

    WTB .

    I got 2 locks and 3 keys if you still looking
  6. Elfito69

    [Repair Log] Sega NetDIMM

    i was battling with that dreadfull error 22 but was not able to resolve it, i contacted Ken the sega guru and he told me that the 15-6154 custom burns and causes that error
  7. Elfito69

    Barn find Egret 2 project

    Haven't done much because of work but i did fabricated the control panel brackets, also recaped the PW and got a steady voltage on it
  8. Elfito69

    Aje_fr: Multi CPS-2 Black

    Interested in one @aje_fr are they for sale?
  9. Elfito69

    CPS1-Pi Multi Selector with OLED

    Have you done one of this for the cps2 multi?
  10. Elfito69

    CPS2 Solid color screen on SFZ3 Help!

    This makes it much clearer that your fist post, i have had this issue with decrypted roms too(i always use avalanche) sometimes is a bad burn but i always discharge the capacitor next (left) to the battery before i do anything else. Just short the cap for minute and try again
  11. Elfito69

    CPS2 Solid color screen on SFZ3 Help!

    So it has original roms and no battery? You don't need a suicide tester to know it's suicided Or what do you mean by original roms?
  12. Elfito69

    Help with B board graphics issues

    Yes, all jumpers are set to the corresponding mask rom type (A20 on pin32) and have been check for continuity
  13. Elfito69

    Help with B board graphics issues

    Replaced the bgsb1 but had the same issue
  14. Elfito69

    Help with B board graphics issues

    Gonna try burning a bgsb1 pal
  15. Elfito69

    Help with B board graphics issues

    I have a B board that is showing sprite issues, present mainly on the character sprites, text and life bars. Background and some of the tittle images are fine but any moving sprite is glitched I have tried different rom sets and they do the same Same issue on another working A board Roms...
  16. Elfito69

    CPS2 RAM TEST screen?

    If it get stuck in there is because is not passing Q sound test, check your sound roms
  17. Elfito69

    Chinise cps2 multi video issues

    Made in china, try to contact the seller and see if they can help you. Best of luck
  18. Elfito69

    Net Dimm ic2 file?

    @MetalliC guess you are right, replaced the ic and the buffer on the bottom, also updated the bios to 4.02 but it's still on error 22. I'm as lost as the beginning, i contacted the sega guru but for the price of the repair and little more i could find a working one😞
  19. Elfito69

    Net Dimm ic2 file?

    here is the dumped file
  20. Elfito69

    Barn find Egret 2 project

    Also was searching for a power supply cap kit but had no luck, so i went ahead and made a list x1 560uf 180v @ c004 x4 10uf 50v @ c302,c007,c008,c003 x1 33uf 25v @ c015 x1 100uf 50v @ c011 x1 3300uf 10v @ c103 x1 4700uf 10v @ c101 x1 180uf 25v @ c202 x1...