Search results

  1. jimbodeanny

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Just wanted to follow up on this. I was able to figure out what's going on with this. I realized that I had tied my credit button to the coin 2 switch. When I realized that, I was able to remap the P1 coin to the coin 1 switch by triggering it manually (with the coin door open.) If I use the...
  2. jimbodeanny

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Thanks for the responses guys. I'm out of town for a while, so I won't be able to test some of these things for a few weeks, but I'll report back in here when I get the chance.
  3. jimbodeanny

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Except that I've already proven that the switcher isn't the problem. I'm going to just start from scratch and go from there. I'm guessing something in the mapping code got messed up. I'll report back once I've been able to reinstall things.
  4. jimbodeanny

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    The mystery continues. I just went back to an old stream I did of a SSF2T tournament from about a year ago, and verified that during that time, I was able to successfully remap the coin to the coin switch/credit button of my cabinet, as seen at the following timestamp. View...
  5. jimbodeanny

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Thanks for the response! I can try directly jumping the coin input like that, but I can promise it's not a wiring issue, as I can connect any arcade PCB to the harness and the coin switch/credit button (which by nature jumpers the ground and coin input) and they work just fine. I've already...
  6. jimbodeanny

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Appreciate it! First world problems here :)
  7. jimbodeanny

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    That's just it. The coin slot/switch works just fine with the default mappings. But if I need to remap the "coin" back to the coin switch (like it was before), it won't let me. Usually, it's a non-issue as I rarely need to remap things back to what they were, but there are certain cases. For...
  8. jimbodeanny

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Thanks. Yeah, it's so bizarre since everything is standard JAMMA wiring so you'd think the coin switch would map just fine to "coin" as it does with the default MisterCade arcade core mappings. I'm honestly surprised this hasn't been brought up much, if at all before. It definitely seems like...
  9. jimbodeanny

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Okay, so I got around to testing this and turning this DIP switch on didn't help the issue. I recorded a short video explaining and showing this issue. Hopefully there's an easy solution. Otherwise, this is going to continue to be a major frustration. View...
  10. jimbodeanny

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Yeah, it's like the MisterCade ignores the JAMMA/cabinet coin switch button in the button remap menu. It's like it doesn't recognize it as a mappable button, yet prior to that, the JAMMA coin switch on the cabinet works just fine as the "coin" button -- and by default, it works that way as it...
  11. jimbodeanny

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    Hey folks! Odd question here, and I apologize in advance if it's been answered already. (I've been searching extensively but haven't found an answer yet.) I've been running the MisterCade in my Big Blue JAMMA cabinet for a couple years now and it's been awesome. I use it exclusively for arcade...
  12. jimbodeanny

    FS Megatouch Ion RX (2014)

    Recently finished repairing three of these, and this is the last one I have left. Everything works great and plays well. Here's a few things that have been done: - Fixed monitor (had a bad mainboard) - Replaced top case/bezel (original had broken studs/standoffs and loose brackets) - Replaced...
  13. jimbodeanny

    Megatouch ION Mega Haul | Repair vLOG series (YouTube)

    And done. View:
  14. jimbodeanny

    Megatouch ION Mega Haul | Repair vLOG series (YouTube)

    That'd be nice if it worked, but that's what I originally tried doing and it had no effect. Maybe there's a different location/file I need to work with? Otherwise, the only time I saw a difference was when I set "widescreen" to "true" but it made it worse lol. I don't know Linux, and it was a...
  15. jimbodeanny

    Megatouch ION Mega Haul | Repair vLOG series (YouTube)

  16. jimbodeanny

    FS FS: Atari Xybots [San Fransisco Bay Area] - (Not mine)

    Hah - she does indeed! She's just not very active on any of the forums she's a member of, including KLOV. I usually end up telling her to check out threads because she ends up missing (or not noticing) the notifications.
  17. jimbodeanny

    FS FS: Atari Xybots [San Fransisco Bay Area] - (Not mine)

    Posting this for my girlfriend, who isn't on this forum. Great game. Links to the listing below.
  18. jimbodeanny

    Megatouch ION Mega Haul | Repair vLOG series (YouTube)

  19. jimbodeanny

    Megatouch ION Mega Haul | Repair vLOG series (YouTube)

  20. jimbodeanny

    Megatouch ION Mega Haul | Repair vLOG series (YouTube)
