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  1. Vidyacade

    NAC Splitfire: JAMMA streaming solution

    Same here, I'll grab the unit and play with it. *Note: I thought last year I was down for 2 units; but one is fine. Just let me know if there is a spare, I'll pick it up.
  2. Vidyacade

    NAC Splitfire: JAMMA streaming solution

    Same here, I lost out on the last batch when I went active, and I got training this month too. Can I toss my funds to a paypal just to hold it?
  3. Vidyacade

    NAC Splitfire: JAMMA streaming solution

    We got a couple for MAGFest,and the originals are still kickin'. I'm excited to grab one for my rigs, thanks Mike!
  4. Vidyacade

    Long time lurker, first time poster

    Hey guys, I lurk alot of other boards (klov, neo-geo) trying to get into arcade preservation. Been working MAG for the past five years and I've learned alot, so I thought I'd jump in threads now to learn more about chassis repair, streaming, etc. Thanks! Vidya
  5. Vidyacade

    NAC Splitfire: JAMMA streaming solution

    Definitely would like to grab a couple for my Fest coming up, sign me up!