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  1. shotgun

    Model 3 to PC

    Impressive ! glad to see some interest and feedback :)
  2. shotgun

    Model 3 to PC

    Hello all, is there a way to use a PC to replace Model 3 boards (that are a pain in the a** to keep alive), and keep the original force feedback and all ? I know that on gamoover (french arcade forum), BigPanik has done it for Model 2 and is maybe interested in doing the same for Model 3 but...
  3. shotgun

    DARKSOFT Latest news on Atomiswave 2 Naomi

  4. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    Yes as i said earlier... but maybe it's all the test/service board i need to disconnect... i will try (that was just to give you some backgrounds/thought on my tests...)
  5. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    No problem :) Maybe it's because i have a full set up... It's a deluxe so i have the board with service/test button + volume attached to the gun "tower"... I just unplugged the cable going from this board to the coin mech.
  6. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    I have been able to re-test with a multibios, all the naomi gun games works great (lupin, maze, confidential, crimson) but i still have this coin error for the atomiswave conversion, then black screen and i can't do anything more ; must power off/on to retry another game I have tried to unplug...
  7. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    Yes i have all of that too... did you try the atomiswave conversion on this set up ?
  8. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    Yes i know i search too... :'( But i had in mind that lupin has sometimes problems with the coin mech... and i had boot it up easily before testing your conv' Rah... maybe a bios thing... will try another one or a multi when i get one...
  9. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    What's specific on atomiswave for the coin mech ? It works perfectly with naomi & chihiro games... fuck !
  10. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    So... i have put in place a naomi setup in a Vcop3 cab ; i successfully netbooted lupin the third as i have a jap bios on it... But the 2 conversions gave me a black screen with "COIN ERROR" on it and then rebooted to he naomi logo (in loop). That's the first time i try to load an atomiswave...
  11. shotgun

    DARKSOFT Latest news on Atomiswave 2 Naomi

    The net board was needed for what exactly ? Hi scores ? OK : i found --> "public Online Tournament option"
  12. shotgun

    DARKSOFT Latest news on Atomiswave 2 Naomi

    I think Darksoft wait for some testing and fine-tuning on real hardware for clay and Sports Shooting before going on ? As soon as i get a new naomi MB, i'm going do to that at least :)
  13. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    I'm getting a new naomi motherboard anytime soon. I will test the 2 gun games, and make video if any problems (or even better if it works ;))
  14. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    hUmm don't know... maybe but all my setup is working well with the Chihiro, i netboot all the games... It'll be strange if its working on Chihiro but not on a naomi ? It's basically the same thing, no ? All i have seen weird on this naomi is a bad IC29 on the ram test EDIT : sorry for...
  15. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    I have cleaned the contacts, screwed them together... etc... I dont had the chance to load a game, but when i send a game by netboot the motherboard reboot (like it normally do on my chihiro) but stay back on that error 22... strange thing (but thanks for the input)
  16. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    Fuck fuck fuck... I tried yesterday to put a naomi motherboard in my chihiro Vcop3 cab... And all i could get is this annoying error 22 "COMMUNICATION ERROR OCCURRED BETWEEN MAIN BOARD AND OPTION BOARD." But my DIMM is working good on my chihiro... maybe a bad naomi motherboard...
  17. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    Yes... i try to put in place a naomi netboot setup this week, and i will give it a shot ^^
  18. shotgun

    Sports Shooting converted to work on Naomi. I need your help testing this!

    I will if you want but for the moment the chihiro is in the cab, i need to put a naomi in it... and test that... I try to do that anytime soon :) (and thanks for your amazing work) PS : So if it works that mean 4 new gun game for Naomi ? (Sports Shooting USA, Sega Clay Challenge, Extreme...
  19. shotgun

    DARKSOFT Games Fixed to work with DIMM

    Glad to see some progress here :) Thanks to the anonymous ;) and all of you... Maybe one day... HOTD2...
  20. shotgun

    Best Option For Multi CPS1?

    Just one thing : i don't know why Aje doesn't want to sell his CSP1 kit to you (Americans ?) But what i know is that he only make some little batches of it (maybe 4-5 every...2 months ?? or even less), and a lot of people still wait for it... I believe he doesn't want to make promises he can't...