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  1. meyerli

    FS Taito Vewlix VS KIT Pitfall 2 Triforce Sega Subwoofers Karate Champ Sega Rally 2 and Spare Parts

    Do you also have the seat rails from that Sega Rally 2? @Stokers If you are the same Stokers as in another forum, there is an Spikeout for you.
  2. meyerli

    WTB Naomi piforce tool

    For the Wipi Netbooter you need a Raspberry Pi 3 or 4. Display is optional as you can access it via Wifi from phone or PC. The Raspi will be connected with an RJ45 (network) cable to NetDimm.
  3. meyerli

    WTB Naomi piforce tool

    I would recommend you the Wipi Netbootber instead. Doesn't need a display for Raspberry Pi as you can use a website through phone or PC.
  4. meyerli

    Midnight 3 maximum tune

    My Maxtune 3 showed 'No video' error due to broken video card. Some caps on it where bulbed or had leakage. After recapping the issue was gone.
  5. meyerli

    Positive feedback for Tibal

    Bought 2 MultiFFB from @Tibal. Good communication, save package and delivery as promised. Tested his MultiFFB board with one game so far and couldn't be happier about it. Thanks a lot @Tibal :)
  6. meyerli

    MEGA ADAPTERS - Plug and Play PC in SEGA Racing Cabinets

    Do you have some details on the MultiFFB? If I understand correctly it would also work with normal Model 3 stacks. Could be more than 3 different games be used on one eprom and how should it be burnt? Do you have 2 on stock? :)
  7. meyerli

    Time Crisis artwork

    Sorry for late return. Wasn't able to drive to my room earlier. Hope these pictures will help at least. Please let me know when copied, put it temporary on my space to make it easy for download.
  8. meyerli

    Retro Hardware Capacitors LISTS

    Double checked the list while recapping a second chassis. Just some minor updates on the list but now should be complete.
  9. meyerli

    Time Crisis artwork

    Sure, will do so some pictures as soon as I can and provide them here. Hope doing them with phone is sufficient as I don't have own camera equipment.
  10. meyerli

    Time Crisis artwork

    I am having a Time Crisis and could do some pictures of the artwork if it helps. Can't do scans unfortunately. It's that modell:
  11. meyerli

    Retro Hardware Capacitors LISTS

    Thanks a lot for the lists. As a newbie in re-capping it is very helpful to get the right stuff and find motivation to start somewhere. While re-capping my Sanwa 29E31S monitor chassis I had few differences which I would like highlight here. Most of them didn't matter as the new cap only had a...
  12. meyerli

    Naomi game marquee question

    On the Naomis they are protected behind some plastic.
  13. meyerli

    Naomi game marquee question

    I have the same on a NOS Virtua Tennis 3 marquee but it is colored blue. Therefor pretty sure it's just a protection to be removed before adding to marquee holder.
  14. meyerli

    Virtua Racing Live Monitor

    This perfectly solved the issue. Thanks a lot for sharing your magic, really appreciated :)
  15. meyerli

    Virtua Racing Live Monitor

    Ok thanks. Couldn't find any brightness settings and gain didn't change the picture. Will replace the scaler then.
  16. meyerli

    Virtua Racing Live Monitor

    Still struggling with the colors. Mostly looks like grey is missing even if white or black is available. Maybe somebody is having an idea or hint? The signal is going from video board to a GBS8200 (with gbscontrol) into a NEC Multisync X555UNV display. The result looks like this: The signal...
  17. meyerli

    Virtua Racing Live Monitor

    The Model 3 Daytona USA 2 has one too. Built one for it a while ago (attached picture) but currently missing an additional Rom board for it.
  18. meyerli

    Virtua Racing Live Monitor

    Have created a test setup for the live monitor and run it successful today. May have to replace the IO board and need to figure out whats wrong on the video signal. It is to white, like no grey street shown. But so far very happy about it working in general :) View...
  19. meyerli


    Do they also have the toslink F/F adapters for glas cable used for network connection? Would need 4 of them.
  20. meyerli

    FS Account hacked, be smart

    Most important is to use a safe and unique password for your mail account. As with your mail account most of the passwords can be reset.