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    AttractMode Front End - Pras Meets NxL Last Update 12-14-2017

    ^Game.exe Just closes on startup. "RFIDGod_inject.exe" works though. Are you running on original X2 hardware?
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    AttractMode Front End - Pras Meets NxL Last Update 12-14-2017

    Just wanted to ask a few questions as I was surprised about how much I struggled. However just wanted to say how amazing as a front end it looks, much better than most looks very clean. I cringe at those hyper-spin front ends I see. They are damn way to cluttered and ugly. Key points I found...
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    Jaleco Pony Mark IV - Hitachi GMK-29FJ2

    The CRT making a very high pitched noise? Picture seams to work for 3 - 4 min or so then it looks like it powers off possibly. Any Ideas? From my research the GMK-29FJ2 is not common. Whats the best way about going about this?
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    First Arcade Cabinet - Jaleco Pony Mark IV

    Just managed get get a hold of this cabinet for roughly $170 NZD. The Cabinet is in rougher condition that I would liked but here in NZ we don't have much in the market at the moment. Was stoked that this had 6 button layout. The monitor in this cabinet is playing up. It will work for 3 min or...
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    2x6's DVD or HDD clone to SSD/CF-IDE

    Does system 246 have any protection on the cd's them selfs? eg. Burning backup media so you dont have to were out your CD's?
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    Taito Type X2: where do they store Windows XP embedded?

    That's awesome would love a multi game cart. Can the Type X be upgraded to TypeX2 spec?
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    Taito Type X2: where do they store Windows XP embedded?

    Has any one used a standard CF card / IDE drive to copy the data and if you can make backups? Would like to see if I could combine multiple games on one HDD.
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    Best supergun with DB15 ports

    Nice work man. Looks good from the front. Can see you put lots of effort in it. Would make / roll my own however im not sure I can afford the time. Also I dislike wiring hence I have my project car on blocks :/ I am thinking about buying these controllers and adding a DB15 port however. ->...
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    Best supergun with DB15 ports

    In regards to using a Taito Type X / PC and System246. Do you need to do wiring to make button 4-5 work? or will it pass through to the DB15 port through the JAMMA connector?
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    Best supergun with DB15 ports

    Would be keen on those HAS Supergun's however I beleve RGB has sold them all... :/
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    Best supergun with DB15 ports

    Does anyone have any superguns for sale? Would prefer something that uses DB15 connectors. Thinking about then using a xRGB-FRAMEMEISTER. What are your guys setups? Would love to see photos. I dont have any cabs for sale in NZ Here that I like at the moment or support 31k. Cheers, Rich.
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    Namco HD Noir Cabnet

    Hi guys, Have a offer to buy one of these cabinets. I believe its a real namco cab just was a generic one with the Tekken 6 kit. However I will be getting them as a pair (two 1p) cabs with a link cable. Does anyone have any insight in how this works. Will I be able to use other boards such as...
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    Taito Type X Error MSG Japanese

    Heres a picture of the front. Sorry for the late reply. Been cleaning up my dump of a house and cleaning my car!
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    Taito Type X Error MSG Japanese

    Just FYI, I replaced the graphics card with a 9600 generic variant with no DVI port and it booted and got to the JVS ERROR screen =).
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    Taito Type X Error MSG Japanese

    I suspect the old card was outputting in 15 KHz and my friend just swapped it to see what will happen. I found out my TV shows system 246 error messages relating to JAMMA so I'm thinking it works with older 15KHz. Probably should have kept one of those thousands of CRT screens I put in the dump...
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    Taito Type X Error MSG Japanese

    its a King of Fighters (KOF game). Not sure what one but its running on a celron processor. I have the dongle inserted in the back (Black and white USB stick). I believe it may be related to GFX as I have swapped the GFX card to a random one and assume that its erroring because of that.
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    Taito Type X Error MSG Japanese

    Just got my first arcade board (Doesn't count probably because its a PC). Along with a System 246 system. This is the error I get booting the Taito Type X, I assume it might be because I have no I/O board maybe? Can any one help? Regards, Rich.