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  1. JoyAgain

    [REPAIR LOG] Ghouls'n Ghosts first run (Capcom CPS1)

    Hi, I tried for production from my PCB manufacturer, it seems they can't produce them due to too close spacing between the castellated holes. Can you please tell me which manufacturer you used to make these PCBs? Many Thanks !
  2. JoyAgain

    [REPAIR LOG] Ghouls'n Ghosts first run (Capcom CPS1)

    Hi. I have the same problem with a pair of "B Boards" of GG, Maskrom corrupted and no substitute available in the market. Your replacement PCBs with 27c4096 PLCC are a fantastic solution. Do you have any "Gerber Files", also for sale, that you can provide to me? Many Thanks.
  3. JoyAgain

    WTB [silent scope 2, ex pcb full set / Ketsui pcb Full set]

    Hi, I have a complete and working Silent Scope 2 pcb with new RTC module.
  4. JoyAgain

    [IN PROGRESS] Repair Log: Outfoxies

    I have made the link accessible to everyone. I believe you can download it now, let me know.
  5. JoyAgain

    [IN PROGRESS] Repair Log: Outfoxies

    Ok, Does this mean that his SET is identical to my dump? Obj2l maybe it's broken. An encouraging thing!
  6. JoyAgain

    [IN PROGRESS] Repair Log: Outfoxies

    obj2u new dump crc32 ce74c385 obj2u old dump crc32 ccada5f8 ? they are all different Caius
  7. JoyAgain

    [IN PROGRESS] Repair Log: Outfoxies Here are the links let me know if you have been able to download them bye. First of all make sure that your set matches this new set, desolder a sure good rom and compare the crc32 with one from the new set. I...
  8. JoyAgain

    [IN PROGRESS] Repair Log: Outfoxies
  9. JoyAgain

    [IN PROGRESS] Repair Log: Outfoxies

    I also had the same problem as you with OutFoxies. I solved it by dump my PBC already in possession and discover that there are several revisions of the graphic roms, Obj Rot e Scr not present in mame. If you mix the Obj roms not of the same set the graphic problem gets worse. I have the rom...
  10. JoyAgain

    Taito F3 Super Cup Final Possible Conversions?

    Hi everybody! What conversion is possible on this type of Taito F3? The cartridge less version of "Super Cup Finals" with a small rom board. Thanks!
  11. JoyAgain

    Konami Rock ‘n Rage

    I have repaired 2 rock N Rage pcb in the past with the processor hd63c09 broken, main processor, appears to be a common issue for this processor.
  12. JoyAgain

    Great 1000 Miles Rally rom swap to Evolution Model

    The real question would be, how to convert the "Mille Miglia" PCB into "BC Kid / Bonk's Adventure" PCB...?
  13. JoyAgain

    CPS B-21 in place of B-01

    Decrypted roms for the original pcb without C board? This pcb have the smd square maskrom.
  14. JoyAgain

    CPS B-21 in place of B-01

    Evening everyone. Do you know if it is possible to replace the CPS B-01 with the CPS B-21 for to repair my Gouls And Ghost PCB? Thank you all.
  15. JoyAgain

    Night Slashers Pcb Versions Question.

    Hi. I am in possession of a Night Slashers PCB (DE-0397-0 With Custom 141) that was wrecked by previous attempts at repairs. I would like to understand if I can save it by purchasing a "Fighter History "pcb (DE-0395-1). I understood that the Night Slashers PCB incorporated the Custom "141"...
  16. JoyAgain

    Dishwashing PCBs

    I washed and dried hundreds of pcbs in the sun or on the radiator, never one broken !!! He's washing some glass and plastic ..., it's important to make sure they dry thoroughly before turning them on. What ruins pcbs is prolonged humidity over time, years and decades.
  17. JoyAgain

    System 16 Decrytpted Romset Present In Mame

    Hi. Has anyone ever tried to use these "bootleg"/decrypted romsets present in mame to desuicide / convert a system 16 board? Does anyone know if these work?
  18. JoyAgain

    Tecmo SilkWorm to Gemini Wing ?

    Need the patched code ? There are no protectors on my Silkworm pcb (z80 custom). Gemini Wings pcb also appears to be unprotected. The PCB looks identical to Gemini Wings, but both cards have completely covered in the traces. Physically different perhaps?