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  1. Pelly

    Irem M92 Multi Game Support

    Exciting times! Either option for me please 🙂
  2. Pelly

    New Australian Distributor

    I have been away from the forum for a while and it was great to come back and see your site has opened up. Congrats @djsheep It looks great and I look forward to making my first purchase. I see an MVS Multi in my future once you get stock. :)
  3. Pelly

    MSV-U4 / 25 Restoration

    Well the fact that the artwork and control panel have been reproduced for me is great. Thankfully you can still buy exact reproductions of the buttons and sticks. Noting else concerning at this stage. Once i get it all back from the powder coasters, i will have to re-assemble it all, I guess...
  4. Pelly

    multi game Nintendo VS. Unisys PCB?

    I have original cabs running all original hardware/wiring etc, so not intersted in putting in anything else into these such as a modded NES etc... I will happily look at that for my console setup though. :) I am certain that there would be heaps of Ninty arcade enthusiasts who would be all over...
  5. Pelly

    multi game Nintendo VS. Unisys PCB?

    Sure, but not overly useful for my original VS cabs that run those PCB'S... Red Tent etc...
  6. Pelly

    multi game Nintendo VS. Unisys PCB?

    Revisiting this one... So as far as I am aware the current VS Lite kits available have game sets restricted by PPU's and additionally they do not support any of the games that came on the Konami daughter boards (Castlevania, Gradius etc.) as well as other daughter boards like Dr. Mario. A...
  7. Pelly

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    Nah, full JAMMA harnesses. All good mate :)
  8. Pelly

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    How does an extension cable solution help you wire up a cabinet though? unless i am missing something?
  9. Pelly

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    yeah I know.. just annoying how shit the quality is of the ones available... best you can do is buy them and just replace the connector and power wires... still painful but probably less time consuming to make one from scratch.
  10. Pelly

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    You are totally right about the time & effort to do it justice... and make it cost effective. I have re-wired 2 JAMMA connectors in the last month or so and its a fucking nightmare! haha. However, given the choice $25 for a cheap Chinese one or $50 for a top quality one... I know where my $50...
  11. Pelly

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    Will let you know once I start on it. If you love making harnesses etc.. You should make some generic JAMMA ones. A lot of people are fed up with the cheap Chinese ones that seem to be the only ones available. Complete harnesses with good quality wire and connectors wouldn't go astray in the...
  12. Pelly

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    They look great. When I restore my US TMNT cab I might have to get you to build a harness for me... Not looking forward to that :| (lights, 4 players (2 kick harnesses), 4 Coin slots etc..)
  13. Pelly

    MSV-U4 / 25 Restoration

    Finally getting back to this... a friend has done an awesome job reproducing all the artwork for me as well as creating a reproduction of the CP. Hopefully within the next week I will take this off to a professional to get it stripped and powder coated.
  14. Pelly

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    On another note... Who is coming to BPAC / Kong Off 4 this year? :D
  15. Pelly

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    Yes, most expect to be able to trade a slab of VB for an arcade still I think :thumbsup: haha
  16. Pelly

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    Yeah it seems the hobby has grown so much over the last few years that stocks have dropped and prices have gone up everywhere.. You only have to look at eBay sales on PCB's... they have had exponential growth just in the last few years alone. Also, I have been bringing in cabs from the US off...
  17. Pelly

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    I will be in Brisbane for Kong Off 3 :D Who else? My schedule will be roughly: drink, drink, eat, kong, drink, drink, sleep (a bit) [repeat] But in all seriousness.. I get in Friday lunch... There is a large contingent of us hitting up Pincadia on the Friday night, then obviously at the...
  18. Pelly

    Multi Game Selectors - Build your own!

    Very excited for this. Can't wait to get my hands on one along with the M72 Multi...! :D
  19. Pelly

    Help with Minor R-Type graphics issues

    Yes, and checked my voltages first up. All game sprites seem fine. Its just some of the background being effected by these vertical bars as seen in the pics.
  20. Pelly

    Help with Minor R-Type graphics issues

    Yeah ok cool. The other obvious thing I haven't tried yet is swapping the bottom board with another working R-Type PCB set. I will do that and see what happens.. If its not RAM on the bottom board the likely a custom I suppose. Thanks