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  1. Feinsveur

    APOCALYPSE M92 Wait List Thread!!!

    I'm in for 1! My Skins Game is ready!
  2. Feinsveur

    DARKSOFT CPS1 Multi - Support thread

    I just finished a Mercs playthrough with the new gfx files and it played great. Either the small glitch on stage 4 wasn't there or was so small I didn't even notice it.
  3. Feinsveur

    DARKSOFT CPS1 Multi - Support thread

    Did the Mercs issue ever get resolved with older firmware? I have the exact same issues with corrupt backgrounds and missing sprites for all versions of the game. So far all the other games run fine.
  4. Feinsveur

    Irem M92 Multi Game Support

    Add me to the list, either option.