Search results

  1. kennedypro86

    WTB Virtua Fighter 2 Side Art

    Hi Everyone, I'm looking for the side art (scan or NOS) for the North American version of Virtua Fighter 2. I know there's a European style available out there, but it will not look good on my version of the game. Can anyone help me with this? 🙏
  2. kennedypro86

    WTB Tekken Tag Tournament Side Art

    bump. still looking for this.
  3. kennedypro86

    WTB Tekken Tag Tournament Side Art

    bump. still looking for this. If anyone has one they can sell, or a lead, it would be appreciated.
  4. kennedypro86

    Sega Rally | Sega Rally 2 PCB Question

    Gotcha. I like the feedback, so I'll have to think about whether or not I should just buy a full SR2 cabinet. Thanks for the info.
  5. kennedypro86

    Sega Rally | Sega Rally 2 PCB Question

    Thanks for the detailed information. This is very useful. I'll be referencing this for sure.
  6. kennedypro86

    Sega Rally | Sega Rally 2 PCB Question

    Thanks for the reply. Do you know if the swap would affect the wheel's feedback in any way?
  7. kennedypro86

    Sega Rally | Sega Rally 2 PCB Question

    Hi Everyone, I'm somewhat new to the hobby, so please forgive if this is a dumb question, but would I be able to swap out a Sega Rally board with a Sega Rally 2? I currently own a Sega Rally twin cabinet and want to swap if it's possible. SEGA RALLY: SEGA RALLY 2:
  8. kennedypro86

    29" Flat CRT Bezel HELP

    Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, it's too small. I appreciate the help.
  9. kennedypro86

    WTB Tekken Tag Tournament Side Art

    Bump. Still looking for these! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  10. kennedypro86

    29" Flat CRT Bezel HELP

    I called them and they said it's unavailable and that they are likely never going to get anymore of these in stock. Thanks for the help though!
  11. kennedypro86

    29" Flat CRT Bezel HELP

    Hi Everyone, I've been looking for a bezel for my 29" CRT monitor. This one seems to fit my monitor perfectly, but I can't purchase it on this site (xgaming89). When I checkout, it says, "This store can’t accept payments right now." Can anyone point me to where I can purchase one of these? Or...
  12. kennedypro86

    WTB Tekken 1 Board

    Hi everyone, My Tekken 1 PCB got fried during an experiment. Does anyone have one I can take off your hands? Thanks,
  13. kennedypro86

    WTB Tekken Tag Tournament Side Art

    Thanks for the offer, but I'm pretty deadset on the original Tag artwork. I appreciate it though!
  14. kennedypro86

    WTB Tekken Tag Tournament Side Art

    Hi Tovar, Thanks for the link. I reached out and he seems pretty busy with other projects, unfortunately. I'll have to wait it seems.
  15. kennedypro86

    WTB Tekken Tag Tournament Side Art

    I haven't had any luck finding side art for my Tekken Tag restoration for almost 2 years now. This is the final piece of my restoration. Does anyone have this art? Even just a lead would be super appreciated.
  16. kennedypro86

    Sega Rally Modded Cab

    That was great. :thumbsup: I haven't played this yet, but I saw this demo a few weeks ago:
  17. kennedypro86

    Hello From Houston, TX

    Hello everyone, My name is Shaun. Born in 1986 in Houston, TX. I spent much of my time in the '90s & early 2000s in many local game rooms in the area. I'm definitely more into the fighting games from that era. I started collecting in 2020 with Mortal Kombat 4. I bought a pretty rough Tekken Tag...