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  1. Orakelschaf

    MITSU Wait List: Batman Forever sound pcb repro

    Woaw! - Love the stuff you guys do! i would love a black pcb with gold fingers - Those look awesome. I take the "best" version available. Just let me know who gets which amount of money :P (hope i don't miss ordering those) I am really looking forward for a case! - would love to see something...
  2. Orakelschaf

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    If the WiPi is still connected to your wifi network you can access it by the ip given by your router. If you successfully changed it back to hotspot mode you should finde the wipi network. - You can reset the network with a file you can put on the sd card - Please check the manual for the...
  3. Orakelschaf

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    WiFi should work as well. Check the handbook and the information on the network configuration page. :)
  4. Orakelschaf

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    Check the Instruction Manual - There is a Link in the official Github (scroll down to the text) - Read Page 3 - There is an explaination how to setup the OSM (i called i OSD) for being available on reboot It is good to slowly read through that manual, here are a lot of hidden gems/information in...
  5. Orakelschaf

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    The OSD is part of the WiPi Image. You enable it and decide if you want to always load it. Imagine it as a Game which is loaded to the noami, but instead of a game you get a nice OSD. Be aware that not all OSD Game settings are "translated", since that takes time to figure out. - Regarding your...
  6. Orakelschaf

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    - For the nfc cards you need a NFC Reader (should be around 20 USD) and some NFC cards - For each game you want to start you need one card. Cards can be written within the wipi gui - I think it is a nice option for a few selected games. There are nice 3D prints available. - The OSD is superior...
  7. Orakelschaf

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    In my humble opinion: The touch screen menu is the worst way to select games, since the menu is not really optimized for small screen. I guess you always could use one of those 7"-10" Touchscreens (but i guess those need some reconfiguration before working) I first used an old ipad to select...
  8. Orakelschaf

    Question about some missing components on a ST-V

    I got a ST-V from a friend, which is currently not working. I found some missing / altered components on the pcb and would love to know why those were altered. Maybe some kind of mod i don't know of? The board was working fine with those missing components - This is not a request for help on...
  9. Orakelschaf

    I need help , naomi 1 stuck in loading

    What does the screen show while game is "stuck"? Can you still access set setup screen while the game is "stuck"?
  10. Orakelschaf

    3D printed replacement cases for carts

    Some updates: socketed chips (on the program board) is not a problem at all. Not sure what i did wrong, but it fits perfectly (and tight). No issue there! i grinded down the pcb facing pillars on the bottom shell - Gap is not 100% gone, but much much better now! (no clue how much i have taken...
  11. Orakelschaf

    3D printed replacement cases for carts

    Finished printing the shell and it is a nice design! Thanks a lot! printed with PETG 0.2, with support on screw holes with brim Looks like i got minor bending (does not look like warping) in my print, which causes some gap issues - Will reprint it in PLA to check if the problem exists with...
  12. Orakelschaf

    3D printed replacement cases for carts

    Top shell is printed. - Fits nicely! Printing bottom now and will commment on it later ( i think i got some minor improvement suggestions then)
  13. Orakelschaf

    3D printed replacement cases for carts

    You heat the inserts (f.e. with a soldering iron) and melt it into the plastic - (M2 inserts) - (soldering tips for inserts) View: View...
  14. Orakelschaf

    3D printed replacement cases for carts

    - printing on a bambulab A1 @ 0.2 - slicer estimate was 6hrs, but i guess it is closer to 5-5.5hrs in total (for both sides!) - the prusa mk3s is a very nice printer, but showing its "age" (=slower with same quality output) - if your design is better than the old one i will have to reprint all...
  15. Orakelschaf

    3D printed replacement cases for carts

    Thanks a lot for sharing. Print time: 6hrs :D
  16. Orakelschaf

    Rust removal from Naomi Universal - best approach?

    grind in a space where you are okay with fine dust -everywhere- (use a mask!) I bought a cordless multitool with an grinding attachment. That helped me a lot! (manual grinding takes ages) I would use mate paint, glossy can be tricky Don't expect perfect paint if you haven't done it before. Don't...
  17. Orakelschaf

    Rust removal from Naomi Universal - best approach?

    Disassemble completly without removing the rivets (remove sidepanels, remove coin door). Sand it, repaint. If you really enjoy adding more work you can drill out the rivets and replace those. - I wouldn't. I have repainted two NUCs - one had a lot of rust.
  18. Orakelschaf

    Rust removal from Naomi Universal - best approach?

    Which rivets? - Photos please! A NUC can be completly disassambled (screws) Edit: I think i understand now: You really mean the base which has rivets. - I would just sand it down (i used a multitool for that purpose) and repaint.
  19. Orakelschaf

    3D printed replacement cases for carts

    I don't mind testing/printing either - Just let me know when you need feedback :)