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  1. Supergun

    Shinobi for the Neo Geo!

    M1 - 27c010 S1 - 27c1000 V1 - 27c160 V2 - 27c160 V3 - 27c160 V4 - 27c160 C1 and C2 - 27c160 would be a waste. And yes, you would have to double and double again the data. But no, 4096 cannot be used, rather you must use 27c400 or 27c4000 or 27c4200 P1 - 27c800 would be a waste. And yes, you...
  2. Supergun

    WTB  Atomiswave Sega Clay Challenge

    Well, I guess I would consider trades for these other Atomiswave carts: Block Pong Miracle Stadium Wai Wai Drive And a top dollar offer would have to be twice what I paid for it. Because it’s extremely rare so I don’t want to sell it.
  3. Supergun

    WTB CPS2 Feets and lock

    If anybody else needs CPS2 feet, I have a couple spare sets of 4 available.
  4. Supergun

    WTB  Atomiswave Sega Clay Challenge

    I’ve got one in my “trade-only” pile. But I might consider selling it for a really strong top dollar offer.
  5. Supergun

    WTB Janky 90s/2000s Konami, Namco and Taito shit!

    Understood. Any interest in a MoCap Boxing or Silent Scope EX marquee?
  6. Supergun

    WTB Janky 90s/2000s Konami, Namco and Taito shit!

    How about this? Warzaid marquee. I mean, technically, it’s “Viper related”. Has some cracks but $10 if you want her.
  7. Supergun

    WTB Last Blade 2 M1 rom

    Yes, if you want an original mask rom, that will take you some searching and time. But if an EPROM will do, I can burn you one with the Last Blade 2 M1 rom data and ship it out to you for say $20 shipped.
  8. Supergun

    WTB Mars Matrix US kit/art

    Well, so like, this is a total long shot here, but I do “technically” have a Mars Matrix item which fits your criteria of “mars matrix stuff”. So if you are interested, then PM me. But if it’s “insanely silly” then please just ignore this. With that said, here is the item. It’s a 100%...
  9. Supergun

    WTB WTB - 27” Black Generic Arcade Bezel

    I can take a closer look at them and take more detailed pics. The thing is, I think some of the 25” might actually be 27”. I didn’t have a measuring tape with me that day and so I need to confirm. I’ll let you know, but either way, yes, my asking price will be whatever’s fair, not looking to...
  10. Supergun

    WTB WTB - 27” Black Generic Arcade Bezel

    OK, I finally found some of them today. Not sure what’s what, but here are pics. These look to be 19” These look to be 25” These look to be 27” I’ll report back if/when I find the rest of them.
  11. Supergun

    WTB WTB - 27” Black Generic Arcade Bezel

    I’ve got several of them that I could sell you, but I’m on the other side of the country so the shipping would kill it.
  12. Supergun

    FOUND Police Trainer PCB, 6 Slot MVS Neo Geo & Tetris PCB

    From your want list, I have a 6-slot MVS PCB that I would consider selling. PM me with your offer if interested.
  13. Supergun

    WTB MVS: Waku 7 & Dodgeball Kit / MS & ST cart / Zed Blade mini marquee

    Would you maybe have interest in this? It’s basically everything you get with a full MVS kit, except, it’s missing a cartridge.
  14. Supergun

    WTB Looks for Neo Geo MVS 6 slot and Carts

    I have an MVS real bout special cart that I can sell you. If you still need that one then send me a PM.
  15. Supergun

    WTB MVS: Waku 7 & Dodgeball Kit / MS & ST cart / Zed Blade mini marquee

    Finding an original Zedblade mini marquee will be a challenge as they are very hard to find. But if you are interested, I do have this complete art pack set (copy) which comes with a card (copy) that you could use until you locate a real one.
  16. Supergun

    WTB WTB/WTTF: Neo Geo MVS mini marquees

    That’s how it seems to be. Little to no interest in collecting these I’m afraid. I myself have an almost complete USA/English set. I’m only missing 4 cards. But have been missing the same 4 cards for like 5 years now. So I lost interest. I also have dozens of spares/trades, but not any you...
  17. Supergun

    WTB MVS control panel

    Ok, I dug it out and here are some pics: It was used for a 1 button game at some point in the past with a new overlay. But as you can see on the back side, all of the original button holes are still useable. Here it is with an original plexi placed over. (not included / for illustration only)
  18. Supergun

    WTB MVS control panel

    I’ve got a neogeo panel (type 1 as you described above I believe) that I can sell you. I can dig it out and get some pics for you in a couple days.
  19. Supergun

    WTB Wanted to buy wing shooting championship cartridge for atomis wave system

    Wing Shooting Championship was not on Atomiswave. It was a stand alone Jamma board.
  20. Supergun

    WTB Power instinct legends

    I have a Power Instinct PCB, but what is “Legends”, an alternate title or a part 2?