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  1. KalessinDB

    Playchoice Sharp xm-2001n’s help!

    I'm in Rochester so might not be worth it, but shoot me a DM if you want to come pick it up. No charge. It was given to me as working (by a friend who did an LCD swap for a bar owner), but I have not personally tested it. He did pull it out of a Nintendo cabinet though, so that's a bonus...
  2. KalessinDB

    Playchoice Sharp xm-2001n’s help!

    Are you upstate by any chance? I might have a spare monitor you can have.
  3. KalessinDB

    Midway T-Unit and Y-Unit PCB consolidation kits

    If he doesn't, I accidentally bought an extra MK1 kit that I could pass along. But I don't want to step on any toes.
  4. KalessinDB

    MiSTer FPGA

    On the topic of the Y/C cores, I just saw on Reddit that they've been added as an option on update_all
  5. KalessinDB


    Was the High Def NES the HDMI? I have a toploader that's done up for RGB and Component that I might be willing to part with, but if you're looking for HDMI can't help
  6. KalessinDB

    EPROM & TL86 Plus Burning Service List

    Yeah frankly I'm going to be selling my burner next time I have some time to make a FS thread. I never did get a pile of chips to work with, and with the prices they charge with how rarely I need them it's not worth it to me to keep one around anymore.
  7. KalessinDB

    How do you know if your Cave PGM cartridges are legit?

    1 exception: Bee Storm is/was, in fact, a legit cart. But I don't think that's what OP was referring to.
  8. KalessinDB

    FS THE ARCADE PCB CASE : "Universal Protection Case" - RESERVATION DEADLINE -

    Oh man that's gorgeous (not that I ever doubted it would be). Can't wait for my spot in line to be called! :)
  9. KalessinDB

    MiSTer FPGA

    Interesting. I'm getting one of the Ironclad Plus boards because I want mine to be more computer-themed, but this definitely looks nice for a console-themed setup.
  10. KalessinDB

    General talk about CPS1.5 Multi Addons

    Can we use the filterboard mounted dipswitches and the 3/4 player with cps2 kick adapter at the same time? Just trying to figure out which of these I'm gonna be ordering...
  11. KalessinDB

    WTB Gamshara,MV1B/c, New Net City, Demon Front STV, CPS1/2, Street Fighter the Movie,Jackie Chan, and more

    I've got both your PGM wants and maybe Golden Axe The Duel (I know I owned it way back in the day when I first got into STV before the multi, not sure what happened to it) I'll try to lay my hands on them this weekend. I'm shit on pricing so roll around an offer in your brain while I'm hunting...
  12. KalessinDB

    FS THE ARCADE PCB CASE : "Universal Protection Case" - RESERVATION DEADLINE -

    Alright I'm in for one. I'm trying to cut down a bit, but my Haunted Castle deserves this level of love.
  13. KalessinDB

    SOLD DE10 nano (Sold out. Thank you everyone)

    Got mine today, faster than even the sdram ordered the same day from misteraddons! Thanks again man, really appreciate it.
  14. KalessinDB

    SOLD NVS-4000 PSU

    This is sold, thanks
  15. KalessinDB

    SOLD NVS-4000 PSU

    I've got one of these left. Bought as working from Yaton a few years back, but due to various circumstances I never actually tested it myself. No wiring. Asking $75 plus actual shipping (which will probably be a bit, it's big and heavy), prefer to keep it in the USA just because that'll make...
  16. KalessinDB

    SOLD DE10 nano (Sold out. Thank you everyone)

    Haven't been on much so missed this until now, but if you still have em.... I can use a backup. Just submitted.
  17. KalessinDB

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    OOH OOH ME ME ME! Been sitting on a JAMMA switcher to stuff em all into my Big Blue and have the ultimate Capcom Dream Machine!
  18. KalessinDB

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    A thought: Maybe update the first post of this thread (since it's the Official one) with the installation instructions if there's any soldering/etc to be done?
  19. KalessinDB

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    Conversely, if I get FPGA I'm totally okay with my newer technology that is less likely to just give up the ghost one day ;)
  20. KalessinDB

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    Queue #36, HSS order #41142, same email address on both accounts. This is probably gonna be my last major arcade purchase, I'm quite pleased with my collection now.