Search results

  1. mikaeltarquin

    DARKSOFT CPS III Bios and CD Releases

    Thanks, I'll do that. Is there a good source for them? I'm seeing many variations out there Would this be the appropriate replacement? It has a different dash number, 70 instead of 12. FUJITSU MBM29F400TA-70PFTN If there's a better place to get them...
  2. mikaeltarquin

    DARKSOFT CPS III Bios and CD Releases

    I thought I got them very clean, took an xacto knife and very carefully scraped them. However, I think I screwed this up worse than I initially thought. I decided to reinstall the chip in the cart just to verify I didn't damage it (maybe by overheating it when removing?) and sadly I instantly...
  3. mikaeltarquin

    DARKSOFT CPS III Bios and CD Releases

    I finally got around to setting up the ProMan and desoldering my bios chip, but I'm having difficulty getting started and was hoping someone who's used these before could help. I'm using the NOR TSOP48 adapter with the 29F400 chip, When I load up their software and click Detect, I get error...
  4. mikaeltarquin

    FS K C Game sale

    What a toxic way of conducting business. You could do the right thing and make everyone happy, but instead you choose to do the wrong thing and help exactly nobody. You may want to consider listening to some constructive criticism, rather than blind greed.
  5. mikaeltarquin

    FS 18" Mini Cute monitor (tube + chassis). Sanwa. $500 + extra parts for free

    Damn, too far from Los Angeles for me! Good luck
  6. mikaeltarquin

    DARKSOFT CPS III Bios and CD Releases

    Has anyone had any luck ordering a TL86 plus proman? I've had 2 AliExpress sellers cancel on me now. I wish there was a less scummy place to buy those.
  7. mikaeltarquin

    DARKSOFT New CPSIII Ultra Simms! 8 times the size of a regular SIMM

    Just took the plunge with @HighScoreSaves ! Thanks @Darksoft ! I have a Darksoft Repro Cart with SuperBios/Standard SH2 (same one from this sale thread) that I got from @Derick2k . From the sound of it, I need to send the cartridge to be reprogrammed, as I don't have a programmer. Is that...
  8. mikaeltarquin

    Positive feedback for djsheep

    Bought a tang for my blast city coin door and djsheep sent it fast and cheap across the Pacific. Thanks a lot, it's perfect!
  9. mikaeltarquin

    How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

    Make sure your blast psu is good. I recapped mine and had no issues running Naomi with the Capcom io, but I've heard others say they couldn't get stable voltage without an extra psu for the Naomi. Ymmv
  10. mikaeltarquin

    FS GS Containers: New listings, Vewlix DIA, PRas 3, Rhythm, etc.

    whoa Densha de Go HD!? Which one? The big booth, or that newer "compact" version? Or is this a different game than the 2017 one. I'm so jelly!
  11. mikaeltarquin

    WTB Vewlix shipping brackets for control panel

    I'm in for a set!
  12. mikaeltarquin

    MiSTer FPGA

    That is seriously so pretty. You have no idea how many more people would get in on MiSTer if it wasn't an octopus. Or, well, maybe you do. Excited to see what you come up with later! I want it!
  13. mikaeltarquin

    WTB Sega Blast, Sega Astro, or Taito Egret (Southern California)

    If you don't get any offers, KC always has at least some of those
  14. mikaeltarquin

    DARKSOFT New CPSIII Ultra Simms! 8 times the size of a regular SIMM

    Oh shoot, there's a list for this? Can you add me to that list?
  15. mikaeltarquin

    SOLD Sony Trinitron 20" PVM-20M2MDE (UK)

    Insane price. I'd grab it if I was over there
  16. mikaeltarquin

    SOLD JP “Skeleton” Sega Saturn, near mint condition.

    Holy crap this is an incredible deal. If I didn't have a Saturn that I already fram and toslink modded, I'd be all over this. I'll probably kick myself later for not just buying this now
  17. mikaeltarquin

    SOLD AtomiswaveSD

    Is there any way to estimate was shipping would be to Los Angeles? I imagine it would be prohibitively expensive, but it sounds like a really good condition cab
  18. mikaeltarquin

    Positive Feedback for Dk310 and Derick2k

    @Dk310 was a super cool guy to meet and hang with a bit, excellent seller and great to meet someone local who's into the scene! @Derick2k was an excellent seller to work with. Packaging was amazing and everything was handled with extreme care. Shipped very fast and a pleasure to work with!