Recent content by Yubm12

  1. Y

    MITSU Wait List: Batman Forever sound pcb repro

    You can’t use this sound board with the old cartridge based multi, correct?
  2. Y

    FS PCB for sell

    What kind of boxes are you using to store The Outfoxies and the Wiz?
  3. Y

    MITSU Wait List: Batman Forever sound pcb repro

    Is it too late to preorder? And any idea if this + dark knight multi will fit in the lions3D case?
  4. Y

    Is there a Case for system 24 Multi?

    You ever find a good solution for this?
  5. Y

    FS Crackdown Sega System 24 + HD

    unfortunately I don't have a medium resolution cab. I love this game, tho.
  6. Y

    FS Crackdown Sega System 24 + HD

    This is a medium resolution, right?
  7. Y

    FS Dancing Eyes - SOLD

    It’s just standard JAMMA, right? A Does it need anything special?
  8. Y

    FOUND JVS Type 2 IO

    How much do you want for it?
  9. Y

    FOUND JVS Type 2 IO

  10. Y

    FOUND JVS Type 2 IO

    Looking for a JVS Type 2 IO for my Sega Naomi.
  11. Y

    Outfoxies issue

    Any recommendation on someone who does this kind of work? I’d hate to lose this game after fixing it
  12. Y

    Outfoxies issue

    If you’re VGE, then, yea! I was desperate to find an answer so I reached out a couple of different ways!
  13. Y

    Nanao controls?

    I’m not positive what version of Nanao I have in my Candy 26, but i noticed the picture started drifting from center and went to adjust. I found that the vertical pos pot didn’t do anything when turned and there’s no pot for Horizontal pos. It’s a totally different shape/control than the others...
  14. Y

    Outfoxies issue

    Did a reflow and swap the P3 filter with the apparently broken P1 and now I’ve got a completely working outfoxies! I have to use the physical switch to enter test mode still, but it’s fully playable! Thank you for all the help!