Recent content by thevowel

  1. thevowel

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    If you’ve been waiting for V2 they’re finally live:
  2. thevowel

    Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    IIRC it will over SCART but I’m not at home to test right now.
  3. thevowel

    No HDMI splitter works on Vewlix Diamond Black?

    I've had good luck with a variety of Cable Matters cables (available on Amazon) recently including their HDMI cables.
  4. thevowel

    Step down conv recommendation?

    This is the consensus choice for a step down:
  5. thevowel

    CPS arcade cabinet design

    There are no new CRTs being manufactured by anyone anywhere no matter what a seller might tell you. If you want a CRT it takes patience and money to find one in good condition.
  6. thevowel

    CPS arcade cabinet design

    I think what people are trying to explain is that this is much more complicated than it appears. There is no single answer to most of your questions even though it seems like there should be. The Nanao MS9 hasn’t been manufactured in decades. There’s also complexity in saying “I want an MS9” -...
  7. thevowel

    Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    Woohoo! Now I can stop refreshing your store page dozens of times a day ;).
  8. thevowel

    Is a A48LRH93X tube a good donor for K7000?

    Is the 2001FP known to fit in the Mini Cute repros?
  9. thevowel

    Seattle Says Hi

    Was able to get an invite into SMAC through a friend who already belonged. It's not very active but it's not dead either. Still trying to figure out how to allow others to get invites.
  10. thevowel

    Positive Feedback for Cereth

    I've completed two orders with Cereth and have a third in-progress. Great seller, good communication, highly recommended. Will buy more from him if I can figure out where to put it. Order 1: Vewlix Diamond Black & two stools Order 2: Vewlix 2P panel & overlay Order 3: Taito bench (this is the...
  11. thevowel

    Seattle Says Hi

    The "submit a request" link on that page gives a permission error, at least for me.
  12. thevowel

    Seattle Says Hi

    There's quite a few people here from the greater Seattle area, myself included. Welcome!
  13. thevowel

    SOLD * Mitsubishi Megaview XC3725C 37" CRT Monitor w/ OSSC and Roadie Box $1200

    If it didn't weigh 200+ lbs I'd be sorely tempted to jump in my car right now.
  14. thevowel

    FS GS Containers: New listings, Vewlix DIA, PRas 3, Rhythm, etc.

    I'd much rather pay a little extra than have you burn yourself out and stop providing this service. Take care of yourself, please!
  15. thevowel

    Vewlix Console I/O - Connect Brook fighting boards directly to your Vewlix.

    @Arthrimus curious if there's an ETA on a restock?