Recent content by Tailsnic Retroworks

  1. Tailsnic Retroworks

    FS Snow Bros Pandora custom label sticker replacement

    Price is 10€ per sticker + shipping from Spain. Design full done in Adobe Illustrator. Plastic covered.
  2. Tailsnic Retroworks

    FS SEGA Naomi - Customized Compact Flash cards

    Only one kit of reader + cards bundle available. Last one batch I'm going to make in so much time, no more materials at sight
  3. Tailsnic Retroworks

    Sega System C2 conversions: all games patched and released

    I can't be more grateful with @nem 's work. At last, I have played this game without killing intentions by falling in that mini-game. And more important, now I have this version on original hardware. The version you have to use is Apocalypse's one and replace the 2 binaries Nem did. Also, in...
  4. Tailsnic Retroworks

    Experimental PROGBK1 adaptation for 8MB on P2 CPU ROM

    Metal Slug 5 is in Vortex as "Metal Slug 5 bootleg", which is a decrypted rom. The games I use as an example have more than 4MB on P2 rom.
  5. Tailsnic Retroworks

    PGM single game PCB interest check

    Thanks for the tip. I'll try a original one
  6. Tailsnic Retroworks

    PGM single game PCB interest check

    Oriental Legends Special can be made with these PCBs?
  7. Tailsnic Retroworks

    Experimental PROGBK1 adaptation for 8MB on P2 CPU ROM

    Hi. I have made a provisional schematic of how I think P2 rom latching works on Vortex cartridges with games higher than 1MB+4MB total CPU size, targeted to PROGBK1 original boards. The idea is to add a new LS74 for latching D2 signal, which can improve P2 from 4MB to 8MB using the same logic...
  8. Tailsnic Retroworks

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    Sorry about that, I hoped I could talk about this here since is related to Vortex roms logic.
  9. Tailsnic Retroworks

    WTB Taito Quiz Sekai wa SHOW by shobai

    Hi. I search that Taito B system board
  10. Tailsnic Retroworks

    How to power a Sega Model 3 board?

    Naomi PSU is far better because it has +3.3V regulation, which Model 3 uses a lot
  11. Tailsnic Retroworks

    How to power a Sega Model 3 board?

    My bad, my confussion is with Model 2 pinout. I didn't remember that connector is connected upside-down on Model 3 filter board, which then is good
  12. Tailsnic Retroworks

    How to power a Sega Model 3 board?

    Alright. If those 2 cables of CN14 head go to GND pin in jamma connection, then they are connected to CN14 backwards, so watch out
  13. Tailsnic Retroworks

    How to power a Sega Model 3 board?

    I have changed the message content
  14. Tailsnic Retroworks

    How to power a Sega Model 3 board?

    Also @Stokers, what CN14 has is probably a +5V connection for coin counter. Please tell me the 2 pins of jamma connector that have those 2 cables of CN14
  15. Tailsnic Retroworks

    How to power a Sega Model 3 board?

    Hi @Stokers. As I am seeing, in the jamma connection there isn't any power supply pin connected, so your Astro PSU is not going to be a problem. The Sega Model 3 is going to receive the voltage from the ATX