I can't be more grateful with @nem 's work. At last, I have played this game without killing intentions by falling in that mini-game. And more important, now I have this version on original hardware.
The version you have to use is Apocalypse's one and replace the 2 binaries Nem did. Also, in...
Hi. I have made a provisional schematic of how I think P2 rom latching works on Vortex cartridges with games higher than 1MB+4MB total CPU size, targeted to PROGBK1 original boards.
The idea is to add a new LS74 for latching D2 signal, which can improve P2 from 4MB to 8MB using the same logic...
Also @Stokers, what CN14 has is probably a +5V connection for coin counter. Please tell me the 2 pins of jamma connector that have those 2 cables of CN14
Hi @Stokers. As I am seeing, in the jamma connection there isn't any power supply pin connected, so your Astro PSU is not going to be a problem. The Sega Model 3 is going to receive the voltage from the ATX