Recent content by stt1

  1. stt1

    Irem M92 Multi Game Dev Info

    I need some more information from M92 multi: Voltages similar to S16 / M72? Selection logic similar? Will there be a header similar to those for connecting the selector?
  2. stt1

    Yet another game selector - LCD selector familiar from the ST-V multi works now with S16 and C2 (and Irem M72)

    No need for donors. It comes ready programmed, ready for plugging in. Only you need to do separately is getting desired length wires (standard connectors, easy to get and I'll give examples what fits).
  3. stt1

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 2025 UPDATE

    Cut normal A4 sheet (copy/printer paper) to length of your cartridge slot. Fold tightly until it fits suitable tight into the slot. Spray contact cleaner to the slot and put your folded paper into the slot couple of times. Repeat with clean paper until no dirt comes out anymore.
  4. stt1

    APOCALYPSE Sega C2 Multi Sales and Support

    I can build a batch of LCD selectors and send out before Christmas, if anyone is interested in. Please PM.
  5. stt1

    APOCALYPSE Sega System 16B Multi Sales, Installation and Support

    I can build a batch of LCD selectors and send out before Christmas, if anyone is interested in. Please PM.
  6. stt1

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 2025 UPDATE

    IF there is any change that you will have a complete build cart for me to sell, please PM :-) Will pay asap too.
  7. stt1

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 2025 UPDATE

    Unfortunately my cart is no good for this project. Unless I can find a donor somewhere, there is no change that I'm getting Vortex.
  8. stt1

    SOLD Neo Geo MVS: ALL-in-1 Vortex Multicart - DECEMBER 2024

    Can you add my name to your list as well, please? I'm on the rewrite wait-list, but my changes seem to dry up due to parts shortage...
  9. stt1

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 2025 UPDATE

    Yeah, things happens in life. Maybe it's my fate too trying to find one for sale later. But let's see, I'm still a bit hopeful that I could get one...
  10. stt1

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 2025 UPDATE

    This is a bit early as the current production is nowhere near the wait list yet. But checking out, if there is any change left: I am on the waitlist (#17). I have one 161 in 1 - but don't know the version (yet, several years old anyway) - initial plan was not sending it over due to shipping...
  11. stt1

    APOCALYPSE Irem M72 Multi, Sales , Installation and Support

    If you need a selector for multi, I can make one with LCD for you.
  12. stt1

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 2025 UPDATE

    I am interested in getting one MVS cart, when/if they eventually are ready to ship.
  13. stt1

    WTB Looking to Buy or Trade

    At least Japan and US variants exist. Maybe also Korea.