Recent content by Strider999

  1. S

    FS MP07-IONA-US JVS/USB I/O Board v3.11: Worldwide Sales & Troubleshooting Thread

    Is the schematic for the MP07-IONA available?
  2. S

    Sega Naomi Filter Board RGB Question

    hows the schematic for the filter board going? i would be interested in it/willing to help with it
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    The Winchester Jamma Supergun

    I originally had no intention of adding JVS IO support when I designed the board. If I were, it would make the board a few inches wider to add the JVS power plug, RS485 port, and some switch to go between Jamma and JVS mode. Im not sure if its worth the effort, but I wouldnt entirely rule it...
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    The Winchester Jamma Supergun

    There is no upscaling. The output resolution will be whatever the input video signal resolution is. Most Jamma boards use the ~240p resolution so the component video will also be 240p from the BA7230LS. If you can find some Jamma game that outputs RGBS in 480p video signal, the BA7230LS can also...
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    The Winchester Jamma Supergun

    The BA7230LS chip does the component video out and that is NTSC standard, 60Hz. Im not sure if there is a PAL equivalent
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    Has anyone measured the amperage draw of a naomi system?

    thats exactly what I wanted to see. thanks so much!
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    Has anyone measured the amperage draw of a naomi system?

    Im curious what the power draw of the 3.3v, 5v and 12v rails are on a naomi system underload. Im thinking of designing a jvs io board with power and Id like to get an idea how much headroom it actually needs. From what Ive read online, the naomi sun psu is probably at least double what the naomi...
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    The Winchester Jamma Supergun

    So good news is I got usb bluetooth working with the supergun, and a ps4 controller working games. the bad news is that its not user friendly to pair, and sometimes ps4 controllers dont connect properly. I talked to the guys that wrote the teensy usb host bluetooth library and he said that they...
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    The Winchester Jamma Supergun

    Currently the known issues that Im having with the board are PS3 controllers can sometimes lock up the USB ports when plugging in. Mostly happens when one controller is already plugged in and a PS3 controller is plugged in as player 2. The strange thing is that ps3 controllers work fine when...
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    The Winchester Jamma Supergun

    I might sell a few. Buts its also part of the reason I want to release the designs and software to be open source, so Im not the only person making them and selling them. I also wish I had a case of some sort, to feel more like an actual product. I just finished programming using PS4 and...
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    The Winchester Jamma Supergun

    Ive been working on my own supergun design for a few years and its finally coming together. I'm calling it the Winchester and the goal is to create a supergun that is compact and functional by itself. The features are: Component video encoding LM1881 sync cleaning THS7376 video...
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    How to simulate a button press using a microcontroller?

    Hey all, Im working on a supergun design that uses a teensy 4.1 microcontroller. I want the button presses to come from the teensy but the pins are not 5v tolerant. Would using a level shifter, transistor or an optocoupler make the most sense? Or something else entirely?
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    Using a microcontroller for jamma inputs

    If I wanted to use a microcontroller like an arduino or a teensy for my jamma inputs, would I need a level shifter up +3.3v to +5v?
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    Is there a benefit for having a LM1881 on a supergun?

    Hey all, I am in the process of designing a supergun and I was wondering if its worth it to add a LM1881 on the sync signal? Or is it only used when you want to strip the sync signal from a video signal?
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    CXA2075 and THS7374

    Hi frank, Im mainly asking because on the datasheet for the THS7374, pin 1 is for the SD composite in. Ive been prototyping using the CXA2075 for the last year or so, Im fairly familiar to what it needs to get it to work.