Recent content by Srayer

  1. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    Okay, sounds like painted is correct. Thanks all!
  2. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    @PASTBLASTER or anyone else who has one of these cabinets: how is the back finished? Is it painted black or covered with a black overlay? I just want to confirm I’m doing this the right way. The back of mine was originally rotted to hell, but it looked like it had been painted.
  3. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    There are some things I'd still like to do: - The back side is splotchy in places, and has striping in other places from the rattle can. I'd like to do some sanding and a final re-coat at some point. - The glass in front of the monitor has some scratches that I'd like to remove. - I need to put...
  4. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    ...the restoration was complete! Mostly. I have some finishing touches here and there, but it's 99% there. And here it is!
  5. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    My art kit finally arrived last week! On Friday night, I pulled the monitor, control panel, and marquee door. Then I excitedly put on the first piece of sideart... ... and it didn't look very good. I did not sand the sides nearly well enough; the vinyl was not very forgiving, and all the...
  6. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    I also did work scraping, sanding, and painting the metal parts. I'll do a roundup post about that later. This one is more fun: putting the guts back in! Before the guts, the legs. I replaced the rusted out levelers with fresh new ones. Then I put the cabinet upright and started installing...
  7. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    It's been almost a month, and I've been slacking off on the updates. Work has been sporadic due to life stuff, but I'm getting stuff done here and there as I can. The last bit of woodworking I needed to do was the front of the cabinet, due to water damage along the bottom edges. My plan was to...
  8. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    Life has gotten in the way lately, so I've been working in fits and spurts. Here's a summary of what I've done in the last couple of weeks: I wanted to smooth out the edges that I will be painting, so I used applied some Bondo to fill in the small holes in the particle board. Then I sanded...
  9. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    Thank you! I'll be using repros from for all of the art bits (side art, marquee, control panel, and so on), as well as repro mini-marquees apart from the odd original or two that I have on hand. As for the electronics... well, I said that I've always wanted one of these...
  10. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    On Sunday, I worked on the scariest part: cutting off the bottom edges of the cab and replacing them with new particle board. I was worried that my cuts might be inaccurate enough that the pieces wouldn't join well, and that the old wood might be swollen enough to not join well, and just...
  11. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    I'm going to start splitting these posts up by day instead of by weekend, just to make it easier to manage for me. So, here's what I did on Saturday. I started working on stripping the inside of the panels. The plan was to strip the inside-front area, first by cutting the overlay around the...
  12. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    I didn't look very closely, but most likely Happ. I'll take a look later when I'm home. EDIT: They're Happ-style, specifically newer IL sticks.
  13. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    I only had one day this weekend to work on the cabinet, so I focused on woodworking. I sanded down the wood filler on the sides, but most of my time was spend on the back panels. The first thing I did was take measurements of each panel, which I will post here once I've verified all the new...
  14. Srayer

    Neo Geo MVS-4-25 v3 Restoration

    I worked on the WG K7400 chassis last night. Here's the star of the show. I've been eyeballing one of these desoldering tools for ages, and finally sprung for one knowing I was going to recap my chassis. Now I wish I had bought it years ago; it's like magic how well it works. I wasted so much...
  15. Srayer

    Blast City / Astro City / Astro City 2 / NNC - Restorations

    No dice with the supergun. An acquaintance of mine has a couple of cabs with dual sync monitors and is willing to help test the board out. We’re shooting for Sunday. Will keep you updated.