Recent content by nonosto

  1. nonosto

    SOLD CAVE - Espgaluda II for sale

    I want so much the mushi 1.5.....I hate to be a poor man....
  2. nonosto

    PGM single game PCB assembly and troubleshooting

    I cant exit from bios menu and I dont understand why: I instal a new battery. do don pachi white and black ? How to do please? What's case do you use? 3d print?
  3. nonosto

    FS Strider japan resale minty

    Berseko is a very good and serious seller. I saw this part IRL and it s the best what you can find.
  4. nonosto

    Golden Axe Port - Dev log

    coded in C or assembler? source code avallable?
  5. nonosto

    True flat bezel for Blast City

    I have already a NNC. One picture from my last Japan's trip: I dont remeber exactly but I am pretty sure was TF in blast. Another way 3D print from NNC Bezel?
  6. nonosto

    True flat bezel for Blast City

    I know but but I have an empty blast city and the blast chassis is very weak.
  7. nonosto

    True flat bezel for Blast City

    Hello True flat filler for blast city is no longer for sale by river service and I would like to upgrade my blast with TF Toshiba know by all from NNC. I cant succes to find used filler, and I thinking about other solutions. For example transfom a TF bezel from NNC to blast, cut the excess...
  8. nonosto

    nanao MS-2933 in a windy 2 : maximum Horizontal size and degauss issue !!

    I am sorry if I hijack the thread. MS-2933 chassis is it the latest tri freq rev about the blast tube? Is it more reliable than MS-2930 manual and MS-2931 auto? Does it leak from the little cube part?
  9. nonosto

    BOUNTY: CPS1.5 games (with Q-Sound) on CPS2 multi

    I have CPS1 & CPS2 DS, but some of guy doesnt want buy one multi for one game.
  10. nonosto

    BOUNTY: CPS1.5 games (with Q-Sound) on CPS2 multi

    someone know if does axixt a rom conversion about Cadillacs and Dinosaurs for multi cps2 please?
  11. nonosto

    WTB WTB or WTT Flat Bezel or river service filler for Blast city

    Hello I am looking for a filler kit to true flat Toshiba CRT for Blast City, or complet flat bezel . I can buy it or trade against true flat bezel for New net City. Thanks.
  12. nonosto

    WTB Japanese buyer

    Hello Some of parts Inwant to sell are unvallable for proxy. If someone could help me for this actions contact me please by PM. Thanks