Recent content by nem

  1. nem

    Rebuilding a cut-down Vewlix C

    No, it's for a completely different type of mech.
  2. nem

    Ultracade UVC help

    I can't think of a system that doesn't have one. Since you noticed the bleeding in DOA2, use the Naomi one. It's in the system service menu.
  3. nem

    WTB Konami GX ROM board (any/salvage)

    I once did this. It wasn't fun.
  4. nem

    MITSU Mitsu's Got a New Toy (Pic n place)

    That is awesome, congrats! I can't believe you hand soldered almost everything before this. @plasticfactory is a legend.
  5. nem

    Spinner to PC MAME Problem.

    That's because it's working like a rotary encoder in a driving game. The main menu matches what you're seeing in the game. If you think of the spinner as a steering wheel it's working exactly like it's supposed to. Play some Outrun with it. I don't really use Mame for playing games, so this...
  6. nem

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    Lower voltage, higher current.
  7. nem

    DIY mahjong controller?

    SW-68BAU is the microswitch from Sanwa with the terminal style pins. The orientation of the pins is the different from the Seimitsu ones, so possibly not a drop in replacement for a PCB. Page 17
  8. nem

    Aero City control panel pinout?

    They have different flammability ratings.
  9. nem

    Yellow / White Stickered EPROMS?

    Maybe the yellow ones were programmed by Sega Amusements USA or some third party? I know the eprom stickers used in Europe were often different.
  10. nem

    PGM single game PCB assembly and troubleshooting

    Sorry, I meant it's now an option that doesn't cost extra.
  11. nem

    PGM single game PCB assembly and troubleshooting

    That's not needed any more. You can remove the order number entirely now on JLCPCB.
  12. nem

    Namco 256 Test mode indicating battery is dead.

    Check the components between the memory and the battery? The battery will not be powering anything else on the board.
  13. nem

    2x6's DVD or HDD clone to SSD/CF-IDE

    Correct, the drives are set to cable select. It's an 80 conductor ultra DMA cable and pin 28 on the IDE connector is grounded, so the drives are in master configuration.
  14. nem

    2x6's DVD or HDD clone to SSD/CF-IDE

    That's awesome. Thanks for trying it! I checked the Gundam Next image with a hex editor. There is nothing after 6.25GB, just empty space, so it should fit fine on a 8GB card. It seems different games have different drive requirements.
  15. nem

    Axun Workshop - JAMMA Extractor (JAMMA Capture/Streaming Adapter)

    I see. My mistake. You could try contacting Axun by email and ask him directly.