mourix's latest activity

  • mourix
    mourix reacted to DangerousDad's post in the thread Sega Mega-Tech Restoration with Like Like.
    Wow, looks fantastic! I've never even heard of this cabinet before. Definitely preserving history!
  • mourix
    mourix replied to the thread Sega Mega-Tech Restoration.
    Final artwork After an epic tax party, sideart came in from the UK. The original left art was not that bad looking, but the right side...
  • mourix
    mourix replied to the thread Sega Mega-Tech Restoration.
    Fixing wood damage This was at the bottom corner: Added something for the bondo to hook onto: Fill, sand, fill, sand: And the...
  • mourix
    mourix replied to the thread Sega Mega-Tech Restoration.
    New job is keeping me a tad busy, but I am slowly filling the holes: The power cord needed a refresh too: It's always so...
  • mourix
    mourix replied to the thread Sega Mega-Tech Restoration.
    Mega-Tech - Mega Drive Converter Release It's here! :) Just for a reference, I tested the following random games off my shelf today...
  • mourix
    mourix replied to the thread Sega Mega-Tech Restoration.
    Stabilizing the cab even more... I wonder what the heck happened to this thing because so many more pieces turned out to be loose. Did...
  • mourix
    The Z80 on the bookkeeping daughterboard is missing. That would be your first attempt to get it going.
  • mourix
    mourix replied to the thread Sega Mega-Tech Restoration.
    With the repro carts now being stable, I've open sourced the designs with a support thread here. ;)
  • mourix
    mourix replied to the thread Sega Mega-Tech Restoration.
    Got the master system roms permanently transplanted to the redux PCBs too. Legit bootleggery here :)
  • mourix
    mourix replied to the thread Sega Mega-Tech Restoration.
    Compilation carts. So turns out Sega made a bunch of 3-6 game compilation carts near the end of the Mega Drive's life cycle. Let's find...
  • mourix
    mourix replied to the thread Sega Mega-Tech Restoration.
    PCBs came in :) Starting with the (to be open sourced) Mega Drive converter! Before I start I have to give full credit to Nipedley...
  • mourix
    mourix replied to the thread Sega Mega-Tech Restoration.
    How to make replacement back door, the legit way. Like seriously, guys. Why does everyone use painted MDF? Late 80's+ machines are...
  • mourix
    mourix replied to the thread Sega Mega-Tech Restoration.
    Just placed an order for the 4 shown PCB designs on JLCPCB. Let the two weeks of impatience begin :) I also found the source of the...