Recent content by mecha

  1. M

    Fixed: Converted NFL Blitz 2P to 4P w/ 49-way sticks. Mysteries solved

    I figure if you're asking about 8-way joysticks that you're probably going to run it with a standard res monitor like K7000. that's why you would need to change the resolution. if you post pictures of your monitor I'll be able to determine what you need.
  2. M

    Fixed: Converted NFL Blitz 2P to 4P w/ 49-way sticks. Mysteries solved

    U8 switch 1 to OFF will get you 8-way joysticks yes also for standard res graphics U8 switch 2 to ON and switch 3 to OFF
  3. M

    Terminator 2 U99 Issue

    it's a bunch of little PAL chips that are supposed to be for security in the vicinity of the CMOS. and yes AUTOERASE is U115. manual calls it a PLD Autoerase Ctrl. those are the same between NARC Z-unit and Y-unit games, as are the Custom Chips.
  4. M

    Terminator 2 U99 Issue

    Custom Chip and AUTOERASE chip are different components. I've never seen T2 with the Custom Chip socketed. they're kind of a nuisance to work with. I stole a socket from a High Impact Football board a couple years ago and soldered the chip in direct, it's apparently missing a connection...
  5. M

    Terminator 2 U99 Issue

    the 40 pin AUTOERASE chip by the U99 Williams Custom Chip(tm) can cause all kinds of weird stuff on Y-unit games. the original socket is single wipe, I don't know if it's corrosion on the legs inside the socket or what but you get a lot of mileage out of replacing the socket. especially if you...
  6. M

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    lol I already had it downloaded. /me slaps face also thanks @tendril
  7. M

    Killer Instinct Dual Board

    there's like 800 pages on this thread now, do you know where I can obtain this test rom?
  8. M

    Midway Wolf conversions

    I think there's been some suggestion somewhere that the ram capacities differ depending on what games they ran. I don't believe that cause they would run the same standard parts. my one RWT board has one of those timekeeper oscillator gimmicks on it, were those all WrestleMania conversions or...
  9. M

    Original pacman was working fine until moved

    some near 14 years ago, the owner of the banquet hall my wedding reception was at (RIP my marriage) asked me to fix a couple video games. the Pac-Man had my jedi master's sticker on it, he sold it to them. LOL so what wound up happening was it looked like your monitor, basically no sync. the way...
  10. M

    Ms pacman no boot/someitmes boot

    yes that would make it run as Pac-Man and is typically the first thing I would suggest doing in the condition yours is in but I didn't have you done any work to the sockets on the main board? the conventional wisdom I share, from personal experience of course, is that the traces and solder...
  11. M

    Ms pacman no boot/someitmes boot

    yes, the ribbon cable is what carries the Z80 from the daughterboard to the main board. any broken pins on the ribbon cable gimmick will equate to being a broken CPU pin at the main board. out of absolute desperation at a location where I NEEDED to make the game work again I wound up jamming a...
  12. M

    NBA JAM TE/SE For Midway Wolf unit boards port Milestone 1 released!

    I haven't had a whole lot of free time on my weekends lately, I apologize. maybe with long holiday weekend I can make an attempt at programming roms. I'll let you know.
  13. M

    What is wrong with my Mortal Kombat II?

    that looks like UE13 faults. that's the Williams Custom Chip, it's a DMA controller to transfer all that rom data to the rams at high speed. there's instances where it'll show UE13 bad in the power on self test and others where all the necessary chip legs are connected properly and it shows...
  14. M

    SMASH TV not booting - any thoughts

    one thing that kind of consistently kills the roms on these games is missing labels covering the UV erase windows. your U89 rom may have absorbed a little too much ambient light to flip enough bits in that program rom to keep it from booting. the good news is the rug pattern at least suggests...