Recent content by Malenko

  1. Malenko

    howdy, from the USA.

    Welcome to the show
  2. Malenko

    FS boards and cabs for sale: CPS1, CPS2, MVS, jamma, cocktail: MAGFEST pickup

    I got a buddy waiting for approval for his account here (its been 5 days) but he wanted to know what the best you could do on Marvel vs Capcom with a working A board would be. If you near me in Delaware I could pick it up and take care of shipping (I'm near the PA line)
  3. Malenko

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    Yes, was lookin for Q sound version. @bagheera369 I already have a Magic Sword board to use on the kit and the 700+ of the board is already a squeeeeeeeeeeeze on the wallet :) Thanks for the reply guys, I might just go fo rthe regular kit.
  4. Malenko

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    These going to be in stock anywhere ever again?
  5. Malenko

    FS see other thread

    Out of luck is my forte.
  6. Malenko

    FS see other thread

    I don't have that kinda scratch sitting around (to buy 5) but I could prolly get 2 of the OK babys. "They all need work" I'm assuming that means gouges/cracks and blemishes but they are all functional?
  7. Malenko

    Light gun multicade setup?

    Ok thanks, I'll give it a whirl. This is a pretty neat piece of kit.
  8. Malenko

    Light gun multicade setup?

    Im just not sure which pin to tap, I keep seeing pin 13 or pin 15 on the JAMMA to tap, like here:
  9. Malenko

    Light gun multicade setup?

    got any details? I'm literally doing the same thing right now.
  10. Malenko

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    I *realllly* wanted one. Bought a cab and a CPS1 board specifically for this but I just can't swing $700+
  11. Malenko

    SOLD Mortal Kombat 4 Revision 3 pcb

    Is this what they go for now? (not price policing, genuinely curious) I guess I should convert my invasion board and sell it.
  12. Malenko

    FS Dave's Arcades Storage Bin Pulls Updated 8.23.2024

    for the monitor chassis...... Do you buy back the chassis we're replacing? and do you supply adjustment boards with them?
  13. Malenko

    Magic Sword stopped syncing with this monitor.....

    so twisted the H hold pot on the back of the chassis, got the screen less fucked. Now I cant get the image to lock vertically, when I get close the screen goes black. good times. I think there's a 50/60H pot I need to tweak. I still dont understand how this game works on every other monitor...
  14. Malenko

    Magic Sword stopped syncing with this monitor.....

    I guess thats on the back of the chassis, I'll try to get to that by this weekend. Stupid baby takes up all my free time :p