Recent content by chacal231077

  1. chacal231077

    WTB Konami GX ROM board (any/salvage)

    Hi! :) Now when I'm in a situation like yours, I don't bother to unsolder this type of connector in the rules of the art, because we do more harm than good, to the PCB, to the pads, etc. Barbaric procedure No MERCY :D I use the hot air station, I melt the plastic connector, which I...
  2. chacal231077

    WTB Konami GX ROM board (any/salvage)

    Hi! ;) ;)
  3. chacal231077

    SOLD PSA after 3rd broken CPS2 board... REMOVE THE METAL FEET before shipping.

    Hi ! :) I advise you to recover what you can with this type of glue. Put just the right amount, to avoid overflows. After drying, you will fill the holes and gaps with Matte Black UV resin and smooth the excess with a small squeegee, and isopropyl alcohol and a foam stick. Then the UV...
  4. chacal231077

    Namco System 10 Mr Driller G Black Screen & and switching noise on the screen

    Hi! :) I just did some tests with the game Gekitoride Jong Space (great game by the way) that buffi sold me thanks to him :thumbup: So the problem would then come from Mr Driller G's Romboard. I dumped the 3 Flash NAND of the game. I can't verify the integrity of the data X/ If someone...
  5. chacal231077

    Konami Cobra System Disassembly for Archive

    BGA DataBook adapter The Mill-Max BGA Socket and Adapter System And Heat Sink Clip, BGA or other
  6. chacal231077

    Konami Cobra System Disassembly for Archive

    Very good Idea :thumbup: already, before any repair, it will be necessary to consolidate the PCB upstream to avoid any new thermal deformation. I had thought of a Rail system (with an insulating coating) in metal all around the edges of the PCB with crossed supports underneath like on the...
  7. chacal231077

    Konami Cobra System Disassembly for Archive

    Konami Cobra System Never Dies :D
  8. chacal231077

    Konami Cobra System Disassembly for Archive

  9. chacal231077

    Konami Cobra System Disassembly for Archive

    The manual was not included I bought everything separately. I was browsing Yahoo auctions for 2 months and almost burned my eyes out. I bought all the goodies, sticker manual, etc.
  10. chacal231077

    Konami Cobra System Disassembly for Archive

    Hi! ShootTheCore :) Yes I hope so🙏:saint: Doing a Reflow on this type of hardware is not worth it, it's crap😑🪓, it's a fragile system 🐌😭 Reflow on BGA technology is the work of the poor😬 You burn out too many small transistors and one day your repair will no longer hold.😵🪓 Anyone who has...
  11. chacal231077

    Konami Cobra System Disassembly for Archive

    Hi! Hammy :) I'm glad you reacted to my post, :saint: I had the impression that everyone was making fun of it. Wouinnnn!!! 🐌😭 Yet I am proud to put a real photographic face to this system of legend. ^^ I don't Now ,but I think it's the first Wu-Shu see serial number :rolleyes: I would do a...
  12. chacal231077

    SYS2X6 USB Dongle -- System 246/256 Multi

    you have to be crazy to buy this at this price :S
  13. chacal231077

    WTB Fighting Layer (whole machine) or Fighting Wu-Shu 2nd! (PCB or maybe the whole thing but I doubt I’ll find it! lol)

    Good luck finding it :S It took me 27 years to find it in Japan, and you have a 0 in 5 chance of it working if you find it. Good luck:rolleyes:
  14. chacal231077

    DARKSOFT CPS1 Multi - Support thread

    Hi! :) ok MP :thumbup: