Recent content by aerobert

  1. aerobert

    Which of these is easiest to rotate?

    You gotta pump up that core strength nem. Always be cumming in the gym, cumming in the game center. Everyday you're cumming.
  2. aerobert

    Gamebox 400-in-1 Project: SSD, CPU, and Fan Upgrades

    Didn't want to start a new thread, so I'll just ask here. How does these redboxes hold up today compared with the tech development made? I can get one almost for free from a friend. Is it worth it for the quick itch that needs scratching for some games sometimes? Or is it just a curiosity today...
  3. aerobert

    Which of these is easiest to rotate?

    Astro is one of the easiest and best cabs to work on (and own). The Blast have other pros instead (like the detachable control panel) and modular PSU/Soundamp that slides right out.
  4. aerobert

    FOUND 161 in 1 v3 MVS cart

    How is a v3 identified and what's particular with it?
  5. aerobert

    CV1000D Multi! NOT A BOOT CHAT THREAD - Formerly: A huge project is approaching....

    Could the additional RAM be added to the daughterboard along with the game roms?
  6. aerobert

    Games that don't have Attract Mode during Free Play

    Espgaluda does this too, it annoys me to hell.
  7. aerobert

    CV1000D Multi! NOT A BOOT CHAT THREAD - Formerly: A huge project is approaching....

    Very impressive, fun, cool and everything, kudos! But..... I guess bootlegs will start at 2k now lol
  8. aerobert

    Maximum Tune 3DX+ Restoration/Refurbish

    Consider me automatically liking every post in this thread past and future. Great work!
  9. aerobert

    Cave CV1000-D bootlegs a hoy

    I'd jump it for half the price, 400-500 euro. maybe.
  10. aerobert

    Pony mkII has problem with bend left

    Your capacitors for geometry are old and wanders out of spec when they heat up. Replace them. If you haven't, do a recap of all when you have it out.
  11. aerobert

    Cave CV1000-D bootlegs a hoy

    That white 14 pin connector in the middle of the board looks pretty wonky installed though. It's not important anyway.
  12. aerobert

    Cave CV1000-D bootlegs a hoy

    Story of our lives.
  13. aerobert

    Cave CV1000-D bootlegs a hoy

    Dude didn't quite get his money back.
  14. aerobert

    Negative feedback for arcadesalesgr

    I think we're way past three strikes by now? gtfo