Recent content by adgenet

  1. adgenet

    Toshiba PF D29C051 15khz whine extremely loud

    I have a PF chassis that also did this, and removing and re-soldering the flyback took care of it. In my case, I was able to pinpoint the noise by applying pressure to the flyback to make the noise come and go, so if doing that doesn't change anything you might have to look elsewhere..
  2. adgenet

    FS Various candy cabinet arcade PCB area / main doors (reproduction + oem)

    Are you willing to sell E2/AWSD/E3 reproduction glass separately? I'm looking for one for my AWSD. (I think I ghosted you last year when I asked about this due to a family emergency, sorry!)
  3. adgenet

    FS 310 Imports Upcoming Container Pre-order & Requests Thread

    Can I request specific other things that aren't on the list here, or were you just looking for general suggestions? If you take specific requests, will it make it onto this container or a future container? I might be interested depending on the process.
  4. adgenet

    Toshiba Tri Sync (PBxx, PDxx, PExx) - Notes / Mods

    Some of you may have seen my wei-ya troubleshooting thread and have seen that I swapped to the modded PF chassis to get it working while I set the wei-ya aside for troubleshooting. Anyway, I get a clear picture but the image is very dark. I measured heater voltage and it fluctuates slightly...
  5. adgenet

    beginner attempting to revive a cooked Gals panic s3

    I actually started working on flash chip pcbs with level translators and a 3.3v regulator for the exact purpose of fixing GPS3 but got distracted with other things after my first prototype version came back and didn't work correctly. To add to the mess, I seem to recall seeing at least two...
  6. adgenet

    AWSD / Egret 3 Wei-Ya 3129D problem

    Back again with some more reporting. I checked the horizontal section and everything checks out. My only thought is that maybe the replacement HOT isn't a good fit for this application? Really not sure, maybe I'll try swapping it back to the original I pulled off of it. It's still sitting on my...
  7. adgenet

    AWSD / Egret 3 Wei-Ya 3129D problem

    The way I understood the pf chassis swap is that you perform the modifications, then it simply plugs into the Wei-ya Samsung Yoke and tube (with plug adapters of course). As @310Imports says, I've been messaging people looking around for some high voltage wire for the focus wire to try this out...
  8. adgenet

    AWSD / Egret 3 Wei-Ya 3129D problem

    Well it hasn't blown up again yet, but I get this strange side to side waviness and tearing that comes and goes. A cold start will show it for maybe 20 seconds, then disappear, and then reappear again after maybe 5 minutes or so of being on. It didn't do it before this whole ordeal. Where should...
  9. adgenet

    AWSD / Egret 3 Wei-Ya 3129D problem

    I promised myself I wouldn't work on this anymore this weekend but I couldn't help myself. Replaced the Vertical IC (TDA1675A) and now have: The blurriness is due to incorrectly set flyback focus, and the color fringing is due to me messing around with the yoke and ring assembly while...
  10. adgenet

    AWSD / Egret 3 Wei-Ya 3129D problem

    Thanks for the yoke reading @310Imports. I guess my yoke may be alright after all, which is a relief. I replaced the original 2SC5144 HOT with a FJL6920 (supposedly compatible according to the internet) along with the crusty R11 and now have picture, but it's "messed up" for the lack of a...
  11. adgenet

    AWSD / Egret 3 Wei-Ya 3129D problem

    My samsung tube (A68QCP891X001) has a white/blue label, not red. Different tube maybe: The Horizontal wires and connector of the "adapter" were crusty and discolored but not burnt or melted. A quick update on ym troubleshooting. Simply reconnecting the yoke as suggested: no change After that...
  12. adgenet

    AWSD / Egret 3 Wei-Ya 3129D problem

    Can somebody with one of these measure their yoke (DIF-2912DA) for me? Just horizontal resistance is all I need (Red and Blue wires) I spent some more time going through the horizontal section today but couldn't find any failed or out of spec components, or any other visually obvious damage.. I...
  13. adgenet

    AWSD / Egret 3 Wei-Ya 3129D problem

    While I agree that something else would generally be affected and destroyed, I wasn't able to find anything obvious but I will keep looking. I wouldn't want to kill any future replacement yoke with a bad chassis. I may even go the PF chassis mod route, but that would still need a replacement...
  14. adgenet

    AWSD / Egret 3 Wei-Ya 3129D problem

    I turned off my AWSD (with a wei-ya 3129D, Samsung Tube) the other night after playing for about an hour, went to turn it on the next morning and had HV shutdown with the relays clicking on and off every second or so, and the flyback trying to start up. I pulled the chassis and looked it over...
  15. adgenet

    Weche 'Ok Baby' Arcade Cabinet Restoration

    I like seeing the steps along the way. It makes the end result more satisfying since we can see all the hard work you put into it.