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ST-V multicart game selector with LCD screen

I'm looking to get the LCD for the Darksoft. How do I go about getting one? I've messaged sst1.

I have this one that I never ended up using


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Working through the install now using the manual.

I can't figure out something about the reset lines. The "Connectors" section (manual page 2) implies either P4 or P5 should be connected to the ST-V and the other to the multicart, but I can only find instructions for connecting to the multicart (the pin under the red dot on page 6). The only wire I have connected to the ST-V is the connection from the multicart pad in the blue circle (page 6) to IC12 on the ST-V.

miisalo's video in the first post and twistedsymphony's reference image seem to be built against different instructions. In their installs, the multicart pad in the blue circle wasn't used at all, and P4 or P5 was connected directly to IC12. Should I just ignore the instructions and do that instead?
Working through the install now using the manual.

I can't figure out something about the reset lines. The "Connectors" section (manual page 2) implies either P4 or P5 should be connected to the ST-V and the other to the multicart, but I can only find instructions for connecting to the multicart (the pin under the red dot on page 6). The only wire I have connected to the ST-V is the connection from the multicart pad in the blue circle (page 6) to IC12 on the ST-V.

miisalo's video in the first post and twistedsymphony's reference image seem to be built against different instructions. In their installs, the multicart pad in the blue circle wasn't used at all, and P4 or P5 was connected directly to IC12. Should I just ignore the instructions and do that instead?
I believe you can do either configuration. I don’t have the cart in front of me to confirm.

With wires disconnected, check if there is continuity between the pin and pad on the multi cart. If there is then it doesn’t matter which method you use.

P4 or P5 > multicart pin
IC12 > multicart pad


P4 > multicart pin
P5 > IC12
Thanks @everten. I'm using your ST-V stereo IO board too, BTW!

The selector shows a game list and can trigger flashing, and auto-reset happens at the end. But after reset, regardless of the game I selected, I'm always back to Cotton Boomerang, the last game I flashed using jumpers. I'm using a 12-pin ribbon cable and made sure the marked pin is on the left on the multicart and on the right on the LCD selector. I've also tried reversing the ribbon cable connector on the LCD selector just for good measure, but the behavior is unchanged. Is there something obvious to try before I just wire up 12 Dupont connectors?

Do I need to program the Arduino? I bought it recently (a few months), and it looks like the last update was in 2019, so I'd assume that would be unnecessary.

Is the LCD selector somehow reading the contents of my SD card to show the game list, or is it preloaded with a list of games that may or may not match the 2019-09-13 Darksoft STV pack in the SD card in the multicart?
Thanks @everten. I'm using your ST-V stereo IO board too, BTW!

The selector shows a game list and can trigger flashing, and auto-reset happens at the end. But after reset, regardless of the game I selected, I'm always back to Cotton Boomerang, the last game I flashed using jumpers. I'm using a 12-pin ribbon cable and made sure the marked pin is on the left on the multicart and on the right on the LCD selector. I've also tried reversing the ribbon cable connector on the LCD selector just for good measure, but the behavior is unchanged. Is there something obvious to try before I just wire up 12 Dupont connectors?

Do I need to program the Arduino? I bought it recently (a few months), and it looks like the last update was in 2019, so I'd assume that would be unnecessary.

Is the LCD selector somehow reading the contents of my SD card to show the game list, or is it preloaded with a list of games that may or may not match the 2019-09-13 Darksoft STV pack in the SD card in the multicart?
Do the physical jumpers still work?
Selector does not have a real data exchange with the multicart. The game list is programmed in arduino and it's expected to be in same order than in SD card. Selector however saves the last loaded game, so it keeps in same level with ST-V that way.

Anyway, even when the game list does not match in both, the game should still change, it might be just some else than listed (flipping the ribbon cable would do this effect too).

Auto-reset function was updated later for the selector (didn't exist in the first batches). It might be possible that you have older program there. The Cotton stays still same if you power off the board and re-power it?

And if you decide to reprogram the arduino, I would recommend removing it from the selector board and then connect to computer with USB cable. DO NOT power it via USB when the selector is connected to the ST-V.
Auto-reset function was updated later for the selector (didn't exist in the first batches). It might be possible that you have older program there. The Cotton stays still same if you power off the board and re-power it?

Do the physical jumpers still work?
Good question. No! I'll move this to the Darksoft support thread.
Selectors (all variants ST-V, S16B, C2, M72) at the moment sold out.

However - good news: I still have parts in stock, will build more.

So, in short: if you want one, you can still make the order, but takes a while to get built and sent.
3 selectors in stock at the moment (useable for all variants: ST-V, S16B, C2, M72). Will build a couple more during this month.

Yes, I have a few selectors in stock. Shipping once per week nowadays (targetting to send out Friday or Saturday).

About the selector with ST-V multi:

Darksoft has released a new version from ST-V multi (Dark Knight). This selector is NOT needed with this new version. But if you have older ST-V multi, then the selector is still good to go.

And of course, nice to have for any others... (Sega C2, Sega S16B, Irem M-72).
I got my issue resolved. It wasn't related to the selector.

Cases: This didn't come with a 3D printed case, right? I ordered mine so long ago that I forget. 😅 If not, has anyone shared a model, or is anyone selling printed cases? I'm using a Lions3 case for the ST-V, so I can't do the cool setup where it's screwed into the board, but I'd like to do something better than PCB feet.

Edit: Ah, found the enclosure by @twistedsymphony.
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No, the 3d printed case not included. Cost (also it costs significantly less to ship with cheapest option without case) wise it's cheaper without case and I didn't have access for 3d printer back then. Now I have access for one, time by time, but still the same cost aspect rules... The 3d print file is available for free in the internet.