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The price of the multi's are fine. And I agree that they're always ultimately good value and space saving... it's just the price and scarcity of the damn donor boards! But at least there's a good community on here, and people like @AlxUnderBase helping people find cheap donors.
The price of the multi's are fine. And I agree that they're always ultimately good value and space saving... it's just the price and scarcity of the damn donor boards! But at least there's a good community on here, and people like @AlxUnderBase helping people find cheap donors.
I think for most multis finding a donor shouldn't be an issue: CPS1, CPS2, C2, S16B, S18, S32, etc.
M72 is problematic, true. Namco System 1, for some reason, has become scarce the past few years too.
M72 is problematic, true. Namco System 1, for some reason, has become scarce the past few years too.
Agree, M72 has always been a kind off a high priced item (meaning not a $50-100), Namco S1 boards and even S2 have become scarce, at least at decent prices.

At the end of the day....if you are in this hobby you should not be bitching about prices, thats the way I see it. Its simply supply & demand economics, basically something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

A multi + plus donor board, even if you paid $1-1,500 gives you access to the entire game library worth thousands, maybe tens of thousands. The problem is finding a suitable working donor for some systems, not really what it sells for even if you think its overpriced.

Upcoming CPS1 multi, I say Darksoft can charge $1K and Im sure it will sell without an issue; sure, some that cant afford it will be pissed and therefore moan and bitch about it, but in the end they will most likely buy it anyway. This is an adult hobby and if you want to play with the nice big boy toys theres a price, so get off your ass and work for it, save up/trade stuff.

If anyone feels offended by my statement in any way, too bad, its my viewpoint and only that :P
This is an adult hobby and if you want to play with the nice big boy toys theres a price, so get off your ass and work for it, save up/trade stuff.
lol someone has already posted a S16B golden axe board for $400 on klov.

**BTW, I'm in for the Namco S2 Multi!
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The reality of it is anyone can sell for whichever price they choose. The aftermarket is subject to its up and downs. Always has been, always will. This existed with JRPGs in the PSX era, vintage guitars, vintage cars, you name it.

The multis themselves have always been a deal and are priced very well. It's never an argument, and Im gracious for the people working on it.

This discussion sprang from someone mentioning a multi, and prices going up when a multi wasn't even in the works. Imagine if the price of gas went up 3 dollars solely because someone talked about it on the news. Every single one of you would say its bullshit, and would own that right.

I don't think what happened here is anyone's fault, but I don't see a problem empathizing how it sucks for the guy paying for it.

That's my opinion and I'm allowed to have it.
I'm a huge fan of classic Namco games. A sys 2 multi would be amazing as all the games are awesome and have great music! I think one of the reasons these games are hard to find or expensive is few left Japan aside from Assault and Steel Gunner. Dragon Saber had extremely limited distribution as well. They seem to be very popular games with Japanese collectors and some titles can be very expensive on Japanese sites.
This feels like it might not be the best place to talk about it as far as thread/topic organization goes, but considering DS themselves are doing an interest check, I may as well chime in:

I think there's quite a few notable games on the NS1, so a multi is pretty substantial for that system, but I think the NS2 wouldn't exactly be the same story. Not that there's BAD games on it, but I don't know how quickly I and others would be tempted to scavenge a donor board for the titles on that system compared to finding a working A+B set for a CPS2 multi.

Not that it would be bad to have a multi for it- I think the fact that it's NOT a very well talked about system could provide an argument that a multi would (technically) help in game preservation/accessibility. It would definitely make some of these not-so-common games more readily available than sourcing each individual board, but if this is an "interest check", I think I would be pretty confident in saying that there might be MORE interest in supporting OTHER hardware FIRST. I don't think anyone would ever be AGAINST more multis for anything, but I think some "prioritization" is fair to think about if an interest check is being put out into the wild.

This is just an example, but if the time and effort is going to be allocated towards working an another multi, I think I would much rather see a more elegant solution to a Naomi multi before an NS2. I understand there's an argument for Naomi having a few options already and the NS2 not having any at all, but I think it would be a pretty tough sell to say that a majority of people are bigger fans of the NS2 library than the Naomis. That's kinda the whole point of an "interest check," I guess...so not TOO far off topic. Netbooting is a pain in comparison to other multis, and if we're going to talk about price increases and boards getting more scarce due to multis popping up, the Dimm board could come up in the same conversation. Not with the same price-tags, sure, but they're still getting bought up for a not-as-good-as-it-could-be multi solution. Heck, I think I might even prefer an Atomiswave multicart before an NS2, considering some of those carts are already getting into the multi-hundred dollar ranges as well! I'm definitely interested in an NS2...but just maybe not before some other systems first.

Just my two cents though. I'll still be picking up the NS1 multi whenever it comes around :thumbup:
once anything (multi or conversion) is even *HINTED* at
So what you're saying is @brentradio needs to stop posting random threads asking about multi potential? :P
Yep, it's all my fault!


The way I look at it is if it's not posted about and discussed, then maybe it will never happen. When there is a post about it, it generates interest and yes prices are likely to go up, but the fact that people are discussing it and buying up the boards is a good sign for the person wanting to build it. Which generates interest in building it. And hopefully that leads to actually building it because they know the demand is already there and waiting.

So my main goal it to have one built if possible and I'll worry about the price later.

The thing is, I'm not smart enough to buy one of the boards before I post about them...

@brentradio well at least start PM'ing me 12 hours ahead so I can worry about prices, and we'll find them for the both of us before you ruin the market :P :P :P
Totally rewrite. Here’s the chronological process.

1. 5 people on eBay selling m84 Hammerin Harry for $250

2. Hammy makes announcement.

3. 100 people want multi.

4. 5 people on eBay sell board to 100 new prospects.

5. People who didn’t plan to sell their boards see no competition and list Hammerin Harry for $600.

6. 95 people bitch about the price of Hammerin Harry these days
once anything (multi or conversion) is even *HINTED* at
So what you're saying is @brentradio needs to stop posting random threads asking about multi potential? :P
Yep, it's all my fault!

The way I look at it is if it's not posted about and discussed, then maybe it will never happen. When there is a post about it, it generates interest and yes prices are likely to go up, but the fact that people are discussing it and buying up the boards is a good sign for the person wanting to build it. Which generates interest in building it. And hopefully that leads to actually building it because they know the demand is already there and waiting.

So my main goal it to have one built if possible and I'll worry about the price later.

The thing is, I'm not smart enough to buy one of the boards before I post about them...

If what you say is true, I don't know if I feel so bad about you paying $600 a board now. ;)

At the very least, can we agree as a community to label our Multi pitches as an "Interest Check"? This way there is no confusion about one being worked on.

As far as initial support, the conversion threads are a good place to check and you can count on the usual Multi Boyz to pick one up.
At the very least, can we agree as a community to label our Multi pitches as an "Interest Check"? This way there is no confusion about one being worked on.
That's what the ones that /are/ being made end up being called.

6. 95 people bitch about the price of Hammerin Harry these days
Count me as 1 of 'em. It's the only m84 game I had any interest in too, lol.
Totally rewrite. Here’s the chronological process.

1. 5 people on eBay selling m84 Hammerin Harry for $250

2. Hammy makes announcement.

3. 100 people want multi.

4. 5 people on eBay sell board to 100 new prospects.

5. People who didn’t plan to sell their boards see no competition and list Hammerin Harry for $600.

6. 95 people bitch about the price of Hammerin Harry these days
7. Price goes too high not worth finishing the last 3 games ;P
We can all just get the MiSTer and not worry about prices going forward as well! :P

I love what I love and get what I get, but I understand I'm coming from a place of privilege that I can afford to pay for what is basically an expensive hobby around games. Not everyone is so fortunate.

One other thing I love is that fact that so many people are into the old arcade games now!

And for those who think it's just "collectors, or shelf queens" buying up boards, I'm sure those in the car hobby feel that way about people who buy rare cars and those in the racing hobby feel that way about people who buy fast cars they never track.

I buy beat up boards and stick them in a box on a shelf and don't give a crap about art. I usually give my art away to someone if they need it. For me, it's about playing it, and I've gotten crap about that!

It's a normal human feelings to want to gate-keep things we feel passionate about, but we need to fight against it. It may not be the way you enjoy stuff, but let people enjoy it how they want.

One day, most will lose interest (or die) and this stuff will be super cheap again.
And for those who think it's just "collectors, or shelf queens" buying up boards, I'm sure those in the car hobby feel that way about people who buy rare cars and those in the racing hobby feel that way about people who buy fast cars they never track.

One day, most will lose interest (or die) and this stuff will be super cheap again.
^^This is the real truth right here. It will be up to museums to carry the mantle once we're gone...
