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Sep 1, 2022
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Portland, Oregon
Looking for any other troubleshooting pointers on this one. Last time I owned NBA Jam was about 2009, and circling back to this hardware now and getting refreshed it seems there are more failure cases to look at. History - purchased as sold working several months ago. Initially took out of box, tested w/out soundboard (as it did not come with sound cables). It passed self-test and played. At that point I put it until an ESD box and put it on the shelf for when I was ready to play it.

Fast forward months later, I decided to wire up a sound harness for this and get it going. The power up self test was all green again, and the game played for about 2-3 games. The sound was extremely low even at max using a 50k pot. I went into the service menu to adjust some settings, then played a few more games. Suddenly the screen just went black and nothing. Rechecking voltages - I am using a blast city, which does not have a -5v. Voltage around the board is a solid 5.03v at various chips..

It was suggested to me to pop out the PLCC chips and clean them, so that was done along with some cleaner on the PLCC socket. No change, the game still boots to black. It is odd to me that it would just die, it is extremely frustrating. Anyone have similar failure cases or suggestions?
