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Sep 29, 2022
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I have a question about the Naomi Universal Cab. Like most, the monitor surround (not the bezel itself) has gone completely yellow and fragile. There are several cracks and one of the attaching screw holes/cylinders has come off completely. The previous owner has already tried to superglue it back on, to no avail.

I'd like to re-paint it and reinforce it, but I have concerns about its long-term integrity. I have some ideas about how to do this, involving metal mesh (ie: flyscreen) and epoxy, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had a go at this and how it was done.

I did search the forum for similar threads but this particular aspect doesn't seem to have a lot of discussion.
Nobody's ever repaired or reinforced their yellow Naomi plastics? Dang.
Having started repair on my own bezel and other plastics, I highly recommend ABS solvent for crack repairs. It is applied as a liquid using a brush and it basically melts the existing plastic together. I use it where the plastic is cracked but is mostly complete. Worked very well on the common stress points of the Naomi/Net/NNC bezel. Takes overnight to fully cure but it gets very firm within first 20 minutes or so after application.

I also used it on the black monitor cover where one of six the attachment posts had come partly separated from the cover and it functions the same as if the crack never occurred.

Look up ABS slurry online for an example of what I am talking about.