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Here’s a new one. Custom b and c board?


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Bespoke is a fancy word for "custom made"
Alright, who's buying this new variant so we can know?
This thread seems like the best place to ask. I bought one of these 'Chinese' boards from AliExpress last year. It appears to have a genuine Japanese SF2HF C board, but repro USA SF2CE roms on the B board. It arrived having taken a knock on the corner which broke the volume pot, so I replaced that and all seemed good. But after a few weeks it started showing this video 'flashing' issue. Here's a photo of the board. Any ideas what could be causing this and if it's fixable?


There’s a ton of cps1 TS info around here; try the basic stuff, swap out another B-21 c board, try the B/C boards with another A board. This will isolate the issue to a board. Yours LOOKs like a cold joint on the A01 chip. I had a similar issue and reflowing that one fixed it.
Thanks, I don't have any other boards to test swap with but can repair a dry solder joint, do you know roughly where the A01 chip is please?
Weird how new that 'B' board looks. Very few components on the board compared with an OG board. Is it a repro / NOS or bootleg?
It could well be, you're right it looks much newer than the other two boards
I'm kicking myself for replacing a bad A board on a game at my old job (had to sell it for the money, pandemic/no job problems at the time) just for them to close down and bulk flip every game, working or not, anyway. also kicking myself for not getting one of those Chinese A boards. does anyone have a reliable source for one of those, cause ebay doesn't seem to have them anymore and I've never bought anything from AliExpress before. thank you (my CE B board has no working A board right now) :)
I'm kicking myself for replacing a bad A board on a game at my old job (had to sell it for the money, pandemic/no job problems at the time) just for them to close down and bulk flip every game, working or not, anyway. also kicking myself for not getting one of those Chinese A boards. does anyone have a reliable source for one of those, cause ebay doesn't seem to have them anymore and I've never bought anything from AliExpress before. thank you (my CE B board has no working A board right now) :)
You want the Chinese A board because it's cheap?

There is a first time for everything. You'll find AliExpress isn't so bad... I mean it is but (with some effort) you usually get something close to what you wanted. They are the same sellers that are/were on eBay.

I see someone on eBay selling the whole stack for $239. They might sell you just the A board if you message them.
I was curious enough to take a look at one of these. They’re every bit the hack job everyone says they are. I wouldn’t have cared, I figured as much, but mine has graphical glitches throughout. Easy return (so far) though.