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I bought one of these for Tekken 1, 2, etc.

It says CN3 is for Right Channel Stereo ->

CN3 is for stereo right channel, it requires a JST NH Series 2 pin connector.

1. Speaker R +

2. Speaker R -


My question is if Left Channel Stereo is coming off of JAMMA edge and Right Channel Stereo is coming off of this JNX adapter.....how the heck do I get that wired up to my speakers in like an Astro City or Astro City 2 cab? I definitely want stereo and not Mono sound for Tekken boards.

I wanted to use an amplifier that has RCA inputs but am confused on the whole line level, speaker level, and how to make that work.

Got the JNX adapter working with Tekken Tag. Need to test the other games. Hell yeah! I can kick ppl now!
I guess I need a JNX Atlas adapter. I think that in conjunction with the adapter above + an adapter to go from high level to low level would work.
What is the best way to add a subwoofer to my Blast City in terms of wiring? Wish everything just had RCA out but no such luck on VF3.

Idk if any of these?

838-11651 [Low pass amp]

838-10141 [Audio mixer board - with woofer]



I usually add an AYAMI amp for arcade systems that have RCA out and just power it with a normal wall plug but not sure how to power Sega Amps or how the inputs \ connectors into the amp would work.
Due to space constraints inside a Blast, and if you want to discard the amp inside the PSU, I'd go after the 838-13616, which is a NUC audio amp.