Search results

  1. Rukas

    Blast City / Astro City / Astro City 2 / NNC - Restorations

    Yep A board crew! The A boards ive found fail less than the B not sure why just my experience. You may not need the stereo card it sounds pretty good in a decent cab already.
  2. Rukas

    Blast City / Astro City / Astro City 2 / NNC - Restorations

    Stole this from ;;) Thanks DJ B board comes with factory I/O usually as was a later release.
  3. Rukas

    Namco Noir reconstruction help. If you have a Noir, can you take pictures for me?

    D Does the T7 board have the USB dongle key with it? The hdd inside also may have come loose from the SATA connection.
  4. Rukas

    Namco Noir reconstruction help. If you have a Noir, can you take pictures for me?

    Congrats on the freebie. I can answer some of these questions for you. 1. From the monitor label can you tell which one it is? - You have SANWA branded LCD imo its the better one. 2. Can someone post pictures of the coin area so I can reconstruct this metal I have for it. - Pics added 3. Can...
  5. Rukas

    Namco Noir Monitor help

    go to the menu and set the picture to wide. Either that or take out the cable on that replacment board and plug it back into the back of the old controller near the coin slot
  6. Rukas

    Namco Noir monitor swap help

    future proof it mate with the 165hz goodness. I wanna copy it when your done getting the backplate dimensions sorted ;)
  7. Rukas

    CPS1 SF2WW graphic issues

    Hi All, Has anyone seen a cps1 board do this? It has only red and black colour and completly broken sprites. View:
  8. Rukas

    Namco Noir advice

    Got any pics of it open so we can see ? :)
  9. Rukas

    Sega STV repair (Need help)

    The reason those other ICs are stalling there is usually because CPU2 is bad or testing blank. Try the CPU swap before doing the ICs again. I have done a few boards in the last year with the same issue. From memory you can use the sega saturn cpus as they are the same however im not 100% sure.
  10. Rukas

    Sega STV repair (Need help)

    Hold the service button on boot (gives you a diff service menu) and check the CPUs. If you run the test and one is bad grab a heat gun and reflow the legs of the 2 cpu chips. They have a tendency to bend legs out when you put carts in the board.
  11. Rukas

    Namco Noir advice

    Take the front cover off your panel and see if the tube in the top is blow (4 screws each side). This & the control panel lights will power on usually without any namco games etc installed. Ive got a spare c2-is-n amp over here if you get stuck with the speaker solution. There are a bunch on...
  12. Rukas

    4.02 CF DIMM just stopped working Error 22

    One of my netdimms has this same issue. Must be crazy common.
  13. Rukas

    Namco Noir advice

    You can Just run a PC off the IEC in the cab no worries. This setup has had mame in it for ages and is setup like a arcade pcb.
  14. Rukas

    SSF2X Tournament Battle announced!!

    The 3rd one down in these looks awesome especially being metallic black for the background
  15. Rukas

    SSF2X Tournament Battle announced!!

    Id be up for a couple for sure
  16. Rukas

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    NIL for the cps2 case if it doesnt sell ;)
  17. Rukas

    CPS2 battery explosion board

    Hi All, I have a board given to me last weekend that is a JAP SFZ2 that seems to have had its battery explode inside. I notice that alot of the solder is dry and that some of the gold traces are missing. I'm assuming this board is going in the bin? Pics are attached - Is it even worth trying...
  18. Rukas

    How to Net-boot NAOMI/Tri-Force/Chihiro Using Pi-Force Tools

    Depends on what you want to use. I use netboot rather than wifi and the steps are below. Id say the wifi would be similar. I use Piforce 1.5 on my PI and installed the image with raspberry PI imager (simply select a custom image to install). Adifruit software comes with PIforce tools no need...
  19. Rukas

    NetDimm 4.02 error 22

    Tried in the blast city and with the psu I have for the consolized version. Both worked fine a few days ago but ill double check
  20. Rukas

    NetDimm 4.02 error 22

    Hi everyone, Had my Naomi for a long time and recently just added the netdimm pi setup. Been working fine and went to have a game today and keep getting error 22. I have reseated the dimm now a billion times with no luck (taken it from case aswell). Switched ram from my other DIMM and...