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  1. Cooljerk

    stv region?

    To be fair, I have yet to run into a product from you that entirely didn't work, at least not without well documented warning prior. I've run through a System 16 multiboard, CPS2 multikit, and both AES and MVS carts, and all have eventually worked. Add ST-V multicart to that list.
  2. Cooljerk

    stv region?

    I got it working!! I took out my soldering iron and very slowly went through and reflowed both SH1 and SH2, and boom! The entire thing started working! I'm so stoked!!
  3. Cooljerk

    stv region?

    @Darksoft I'm running out of things to try. I got the multibios installed, it seems to work fine with a real cart, but I still get the black screen after "checking system." I reflowed the motherboard, everything works and it still passes the test, but I'm still getting the black screen after...
  4. Cooljerk

    stv region?

    Haven't reflowed anything in ages, just checking to make sure -- I have a heat station with a heat gun. Plop some flux on it, and turn the heat gun on for a few seconds and that should do it, right?
  5. Cooljerk

    stv region?

    mask rom unfortunately, no window. Your price is still lower than any other 27C400 I've found elsewhere and they were already programmed. Plus I prefer to keep things in this community, you earned a sale, thanks duder! I examined them with a magnifying glass and didn't see any broken traces or...
  6. Cooljerk

    stv region?

    @Darksoft Hey buddy, I found this topic right at the top of the forum list so I'm just going to use it instead of making a second thread. To catch everyone up, I got an ST-V mobo which works, passes all the tests including slave SH-2, verified with an authentic cart. When I use the old ST-V...
  7. Cooljerk

    APOCALYPSE Sega System 18 Official Sales and Wait List

    Much appreciate the consideration, thanks! Hopefully I can drum up some side work soon enough.
  8. Cooljerk

    APOCALYPSE Sega System 18 Official Sales and Wait List

    Oof, just got hit with an unexpected major plumbing bill today, I'm gonna have to withdraw my interest in the board. Don't want to clog up a spot on the waiting list when there's a good chance I won't have the extra funds for such a board for a while. Hope that's not a problem!
  9. Cooljerk

    APOCALYPSE Sega System 18 Official Sales and Wait List

    Please add me to the official waiting list. Thanks!
  10. Cooljerk

    Help identifying capacitor C103 on aurail rom board?

    Thanks for the clarification. I'm curious, what does the capacitor do that would make it alright to run without it?
  11. Cooljerk

    Help identifying capacitor C103 on aurail rom board?

    I pulled out my Aurail rom board today and noticed one of the capacitors on the rom board had snapped off and gone missing. It's the one in the upper right corner labeled C103, can anybody identify the cap type so I can replace it?
  12. Cooljerk

    Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder board doesn't play BGM

    I've had this board for several years now and it worked fine, but the last time I pulled it out to give it a run, I noticed all the BGM was missing. The sound effects still play, but I get no BGM anywhere. The rest of the game runs like normal. I'm not very well versed in diagnosing PCB...
  13. Cooljerk

    Hello from Texas!

    Hi, I've been involved in arcade collecting and preservation since 2000 when I first joined the BYOAC boards and bought (and repaired) my first arcade cabinet. I've also been involved in 68000 programming and specifically Sega hacking since 1997. I joined this board looking for some additional...